Nvidia Doubling Up prices on GeForce GXT 2080? Tackling Some Rumors

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What surprises me, shouldn't we have seen any shipping manifests of engineering samples if a new GPU would come around, even if it's just a Pascal refresh? Did you hear anything about that, shipping manifests, @Hilbert Hagedoorn ?
Hilbert Hagedoorn:

Clearing Some Rumors
Really?!¿ Jumping on the bandwagon of rumors rumoring about them...:( I still see fog, mist and smoke together...nothing was "cleared" at all in your own conclusions in the article:
Hilbert Hagedoorn:

thus far nothing has been confirmed or denied. NVIDIA did NOTHING, shared no information, yet these GPU names surfaced with so much speculation continuously being posted on the web that it's getting out of proportion, and Nvidia is laughing really hard here as they receive a ton of media coverage, while they have yet to release a single shred of information. The honest truth is that nobody actually knows when or what is being released at what price and if the information that continuously surfaced is even factual right. Well really, nobody knows anything really - Anything in this small editorial anything and nothing can be confirmed, neither denied.
I've changed the word 'Clearing' to 'Tackling', especially for you.
Hilbert Hagedoorn:

I've changed the word 'Clearing' to 'Tackling', especially for you.
I don't deserve the effort but i guess the article title is more..."clear" now. LOL
Great article as always Hilbert. Sort of matches my logic as well regarding the whole situation. I do hope for dedicated Game cards / Miner cards. The market will stabilize.
nVidia doubling prices isn't necessary atm, as Trump has already given them a massive tax cut. If JHH wants to triple his profits, he'll want to do it without people claiming that 'Trump did it'... But people are getting itchy as it's been nearly 2 years since the last Geforce architecture, so crazy rumors hit the street at the 11th hour.
Now that's what I call a wall of rumors, not to discredit Hilbert's effort to compile it all... 🙄 One thing is sure, I can only hope my 1080ti will not break down for some reason, because it's an awful climate for the gpu market. 😡
Thank you, Hilbert. So refreshing to have clear scope of the rumors. It is very confusing to keep track of rumors and assumptions that are presented as news. Love this summary, would appreciate more this articles in the future
Odd how they keep using the excuse that HBM2 is expensive etc, when AMD can have it as mass production in their Vega line-up...
Well, Nvidia might produce a few more cards at launch than AMD did with Vega. So that actually every 10th customer (aka a gamer) can grab one while the others go to miners 😀
Thank you, Hilbert nice write up ;-)
"Who's your daddy? NVIDIA is your daddy." No,its not.They are a bunch of greedy bastards.Period 😉 I really hope they put Gtx 2070-2080 at 1200-1500$, to see how fanboys will feel these prices. They will produce cheap and sell at high prices.

"Who's your daddy? NVIDIA is your daddy." No,its not.They are a bunch of greedy bastards.Period 😉 I really hope they put Gtx 2070-2080 at 1200-1500$, to see how fanboys will feel these prices.
Just like I wish AMD would get the same treatment. Wait... that's already happened. 😉
Ofc,but now the resellers put the prices at high stake.But if nvidia will put the new 2070-2080 at over 800-900-1000$ then who's the greedy bastards? If someone buy at that prices, then Nvidia will try again with 3070-3080 at over 1500$.They try to be Apple on the Gpu market.
If this is the case. And the trend goes on with stupid mining. Then i have to say. I would quit pc gaming.
The mining shortage and the Gddr5 Vram "shortage" its just a greedy move to have Q2 highest profits. In Q2 (Jan-March) the market is always low,so they think to have in Q2 big profits with mining and "Vram shorage".Market greedy strategy always prevail vs consumer.
Aouch.. I'm just so very glad I built my comp last September. Hopefully I won't have to touch a thing for the next two to three years...

What surprises me, shouldn't we have seen any shipping manifests of engineering samples if a new GPU would come around, even if it's just a Pascal refresh? Did you hear anything about that, shipping manifests, @Hilbert Hagedoorn ?
Yes, with Pascal we got those shipping manifests, benchmark numbers of "misterious cards", very accurate specs and even pictures of the shroud several weeks and even months prior to release. Now we have nothing. I bet for a release on May or June.
Thanks for sorting out some of the rumors HH. "Well really, nobody knows anything really" , quoted by the venerable HH. Words to keep in mind.
If (and that's an if) they double the price you can count me out. At some point, one has to say enough. Obviously they'll still make a bundle because of the CraptoShekel miners but they will also irreparably damage PC gaming imho. It's not about the money, it's a question of principle at the end of the day. If you aren't doubling the performance, there is absolutely no reason you should be doubling the price.