New Trend upcoming? Gaming Desks

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Oh no. This reminds me of those idiotic and useless Dx Racer chairs. Virtually every single clown on Twitch sits in one. Purely genius marketing though for extremely shitty product.
For 270 euro you can buy a nice big beautiful wooden desk, that will be twice as large and easily make holes in it for cable management. Also, what's with the metal beam in the middle? Is that really necessary? Where are you supposed to put your legs? 😀
Besides a bad design its only 66cm deep. I guess it would be nice for small children. "Sandberg is a market leader in chairs" << dont think so
For somewhat less than €270, I can have custom made oak table with twice the dimensions and individually adjustable legs. This is just bullshit.
Great idea but what's up with that f*cking price? They sure know how to push our limits.
I thought that was the kind of desks where you could build your PC into, not just hide the cables... man what a fail. Any Ikea table can do what this does, soon with LEDS too. And they're not even RGB ffs... fail.
The least they could've done is add a cup holder lol.
I made my own, took an old desk and just cut a wooden surface to the size and shape i needed.
Not really new trend. Maybe wish by those making them. But for most of us, it is trash providing far too small space for monitors.
dont think gaming desk going to be trends for various reason using pc-case even its most of time sit on desk, but its easier to do things compared to desk like when moving, etc. other than that, i guess most people already own desk before getting pc for me personally, even i moving to new house and building new pc, i would still considering to buy using pc-case over buidling it on gaming/pc desk probably make should make much customization, make it more modular, so user can set up to their own needs
I wish it was an OLD trend.
No RGB??? Sure fail... Also, were the hell are we supposed to put the desktop tower on this so called "gaming desk"??? What a stupid idea.
After eating tiepods it seems there is this brand new and exciting trend. Doesn't matter it is laughably small for a table (maybe ok for a cofee table), it also costs more than a custom one. All simply because of the "gaming" brand.
I'll add LED lights to the back of my wide screen monitor.
First "gaming" chairs that are horrible for posture, and now gaming desks? What happened to just getting regular old office chairs and desks? This gaming moniker is annoying, I'm surprised these desks don't have RGB.
Not bad looking and price is ok too. I still like the old-fashioned (wood) desks for the home but there is a market for these for sure!
Yuck there ugly desks, il stick to my own bespoke made solid pine desk
What an ugly and cheap design for €270..and it's not RGB? I have also made my own desk like austin865a did very cheap and above all, it is my own design with the dimensions that meet my needs.

Making your own its truly is the way to go if you have the tools and skills. The tools can cost a lot.
I know making your own desk is not an option for many users out there. Luckily i have the skills and all the tools i can dream of left over from building my house along with my dad from scratch.