Battlefield Demo imminent this week (updated)

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"It has everything we love about Battlefield" M16A3, netcode problems, random spawn points, unbalanced weapons, M16A3, terrible level design, vehicle-hogging teams of two, M16A3, unbalanced ariel combat, altitude limitations, M16A3, healing with paddles... ninja edit: Frostbite

"It has everything we love about Battlefield" M16A3, netcode problems, random spawn points, unbalanced weapons, M16A3, terrible level design, vehicle-hogging teams of two, M16A3, unbalanced ariel combat, altitude limitations, M16A3, healing with paddles... ninja edit: Frostbite
I haven't played a Battlefield game online since BF3, but if that's what it's become then damn.

I haven't played a Battlefield game online since BF3, but if that's what it's become then damn.
BF3 holds a bitter-sweet place in my heart, because on the one hand you got some great mechanics and feel when playing the game, then on the other hand you got Jets throttle-limiting-to-314mph-via-scripting-and-script-injection-making-the-jets-turn-on-a-sixpence-and-nullifying-all-ariel-combat.
"Imminent" "Soon" (TM) I see a pattern. šŸ˜€
@Loobyluggs you can add on top of that that Dice knowingly nerfs the anti-air vehicles and weapons and actively helps vehicle hogging players who mistake BF for a flight simulator seen in BF4 : - a devs responding to a player saying "don't worry we are going to nerf aa vehicles" the player had 2000+kills with helicopter 2 with a firearm - devs with the battlelog knew that some aa missiles were completely useless after one year one had like 60 kills worldwide ! this time no response from a dev when people complained personnally after being sniped through two buildings (4+ walls) by a tank and seeing they nerfed all indirect damage weapons, the only thing allowing you to kill aimbots behind their camp corner I gave up on the genre it's dead I only play solo after 10+years of fps pvp
I reinstalled BF1942 and god Iā€™m having a blast.
This battlefield is only for next gen consoles, and PC of course. Cross-play so console owners can be pawned.
Still waiting fo BC3...

"It has everything we love about Battlefield" M16A3, netcode problems, random spawn points, unbalanced weapons, M16A3, terrible level design, vehicle-hogging teams of two, M16A3, unbalanced ariel combat, altitude limitations, M16A3, healing with paddles... ninja edit: Frostbite
For me, the #1 complaint about these games has always been the low amount of health. It's one of those "whoever sees you first and doesn't totally suck at aiming wins" games. I prefer games where you actually have a chance to fight back.
My biggest wish is that they will bring back proper community servers. That is the only thing that makes older BFs playable. Not sure about BF5 but BF1 is really messed up with all the blatant cheaters. They even openly advertise their cheats in the game. Very often if you search for their names on YouTube you will find videos of someone spectating them 2-3 years ago going 500-0. And in all that time they haven't been banned.
Much like Wargaming, EA is all about the $$$$, no matter how many cheaters, ect... Anti cheat now days is a farce...

For me, the #1 complaint about these games has always been the low amount of health. It's one of those "whoever sees you first and doesn't totally suck at aiming wins" games. I prefer games where you actually have a chance to fight back.
I feel like that's more Call of Duty's thing. In BF I feel like I always have time to run away and pop/find a health kit. Unless we're talking Hardcore mode, but I don't think that was included in the last one. Either way, the last 2 installments have been boring for me. Probably won't get this one unless the reviews are incredible.

For me, the #1 complaint about these games has always been the low amount of health. It's one of those "whoever sees you first and doesn't totally suck at aiming wins" games. I prefer games where you actually have a chance to fight back.
Not entirely. I think you are referring to the skill compression, which I do not think the game suffers from. The main reason for me saying that is, the game does have pseudo-realistic bullet physics, cone fire, range, recoil etc - versus CoD which makes every gun virtually the same, AND, it makes the TDM maps 3 lane 120 degree nightmares. CoD was designed so that no matter the skill, you can run in any direction, and the game will spawn someone for you to kill if you get the jump on them. BF games are not guilty of skill compression, not by my reckoning anyway, just, they spread the skill so wildly and unpredictably, it becomes hard to know why you died until after you have. Once lag/netcode has been added, with the massive ways to die, gameplay will steer towards camping, or, positional play that puts you at the edge of a map. Some of the maps will have you (even in a tank) at the mercy of one sniper...with C4...who parachuted from a jet...and planted a spawn beacon...on the roof of the building you are trying to take. In the midst of this madness, you can blown up by tonnes of vehicles, jets, AA guns, missiles, rockets, mortars, aerial gunships, 3 types of helicopters and a f***ing boat!. The net result of this is: a sniper should not have the ability to lock down a capture point versus a tank...and that his engineer can spawn in whenever they want via the radio beacon. That is BF4 in a nutshell, and was the worst BF game ever. BF3 had the best level design, which promoted great tactics and positional play - as indicated by LVLCAP in the video above.

"It has everything we love about Battlefield" M16A3, netcode problems, random spawn points, unbalanced weapons, M16A3, terrible level design, vehicle-hogging teams of two, M16A3, unbalanced ariel combat, altitude limitations, M16A3, healing with paddles... ninja edit: Frostbite
And no decent campaign after BF4.
Give a map, a rig to brag, some hundreds of noobs "claiming" superiority at real and digital life. Great game. Epic nothingness? Enhanced marketing visuals were the tombstone of BF series. GG EA.

"It has everything we love about Battlefield" M16A3, netcode problems, random spawn points, unbalanced weapons, M16A3, terrible level design, vehicle-hogging teams of two, M16A3, unbalanced ariel combat, altitude limitations, M16A3, healing with paddles... ninja edit: Frostbite
I just died.

And no decent campaign after BF4.
I dont think we'll ever see a decent campaign in bf games ever again.
Will be hard to run on a GT 1030.
I guess there is no cheaters now?