Microtransactions and DLCs Generated 61% of Activision Blizzard revenue for 2021

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qft. After all, with the only real release being D2R (which apparently did well), Vanguard (which did not compared to other COD titles), and Crash Bandicot 4, what else should they have done?
And this is why you won't see games created so much as microtransaction frameworks.

qft. After all, with the only real release being D2R (which apparently did well), Vanguard (which did not compared to other COD titles), and Crash Bandicot 4, what else should they have done?
At least D2R and Crash 4 were good, I'll give them that... The studios in charge did a good job.
Why make great, new games, when you can resell the same skin to millions of suckers. Games As A Service sucks. And if they ad NFTs it will be even worse.
Dont forget almost all revenue come from mobile King i think
This was the whole point of incorporating mobile "gaming" "live service" bullshit into PC gaming. It's also the reason why good new game releases will be even more rare from now on, since very few will take the "risk". And this is especially true for new/original IPs...
That's depressing. All this does is solidify developers to push for more MTs, rather than sell a complete game.
I was surprised to read this then but then i read the whole article were it says that DLC and WoW subscriptions are included in the figures. So MT didn´t generate all that value, only a small part, i hope...
this proves my suspicions about M$'s motives. MT are F'ing horrible. when i played WoW through the first three expansions i saw MT's become progressively worse until the MT's and subscriptions drove me away. then like the A bomb, Free To Play became commonplace where subscriptions were (mostly) ditched in favor of the in game MT's. and while i still play some of those games (warframe, guild wars) it's not as much because it pisses me off. i know i sound like the Ancient of Days, but wtf ever happened to playing your way through instead of buying?

I was surprised to read this then but then i read the whole article were it says that DLC and WoW subscriptions are included in the figures. So MT didn´t generate all that value, only a small part, i hope...
No man, WoW sub numbers are at an all-time low, and have been for years (with occasional spikes on new expansions/classic that last very little). So a big % of that is the cash shop, if you ever have the curiosity to see how far one can go with that, just check it out. From the common payed server transfer we've gone to all sort of services, each with an absurd price... I have no idea how it looks in COD, since it's been 10+ years since I last played one, but I imagine it's not far from WoW's.
That figure seems low to me. I would have expected between 70% and 80%.

Why make great, new games, when you can resell the same skin to millions of suckers. Games As A Service sucks. And if they ad NFTs it will be even worse.
You nailed it. We wonder why new good games are hard to come by & yup, NFTs will make it worse.

Everyone hates MTX and NFTs, and yet keep spending record-amounts of money on them to keep them around.
I think the people that complain about them the most are one throwing money at which same people with addictions imo. I have put dime in cash shop since I play Ragnarok Online, put few 1000$ in to and learn really quick what waste it was when quit playing the game. the whole DLC/Microtransation is one worse thing to hit gaming. the whole fix it later unless is cashshop releasted in which case it fix much sooner metaily took over

Everyone hates MTX and NFTs, and yet keep spending record-amounts of money on them to keep them around.
Not everyone. Well informed gamers, like most in this forum, understand the scheme behind micro-transactions, NFTs and the like. So they are vocal against it. But most people, don't know what these things are. Especially kids. And most parents don't understand what their kids are spending money on. Also consider, these companies with GAAS are looking for whales. Meaning players with a lot of disposable money, that will buy these things. The 80/20 ratio probably is well applied in this case. As in 20% of players represent 80% of the spending.
yeah it's the whales that re really doing the supporting. Perhaps others are spending some here and there which adds up also of course.
Personally, I refuse to play any game with MT's. But I do understand why they do it. With only a 20% chance that you will produce a hit game and make money, they have to up the percentages somehow. I have no problem buying DLC's for a game that I enjoy. Paying for quality is not a problem, but paying to stay competitive in a game and pretty colors is bullsheet. https://media1.giphy.com/media/l0HlRjWoEzLx8uTHa/200w.gif?cid=ecf05e47p1xd0eb5wvbmcchzdee39k6jyr7j885t1ppwhnge&rid=200w.gif&ct=g
Just a beginning of nightmares. Soon they will adopt new abomination in form of NFT. Same monster, different skin. Good they are still some studios that can make new and good games and im willing to pay for they , much more if i have to. ( Example : Pathfinder)
Remember the olden days of just waiting for Activision to lower the price of Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 for years and years... haa... fun times.

Unrelated, but I'd pay more money than I've spent for most games in the last few years for a proper VR port of MW2 😛 Apparently they remastered it on PC at some point, but I thought it was odd how it was separate MP or something like that, and haven't tried it yet. Had a blast with it over a decade ago on Xbox 360.
They release too many of them nowadays, I've lost count... looking at video of call of duty games I couldn't tell you what particular title it is, they all just seem to look like the same thing to me now. I remember seeing someone play a vr game that was in the style of cod a while ago.. it was pretty funny.