Intel Might Drop Desktop processor Prices by 15% To Fight off AMD Ryzen 3000

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Intel dropping prices??? Sorry i don´t believe it!...
A new season of X-Files has been announced...
they would have to cut prices in half to make any kind of sense, for people buying new rigs intel doesnt make any sense other than the 8700/9900k for 144hz+, everything else on their lineup is laughable at best, for upgraders stuck on their awful platforms a 6700k/7700k at around 300$ even used is just ridiculous with ryzen 2600-1700 going for 150$ new, now if ryzen 3 is actually a match or better for current intel stuff, intel will be selling on brand name alone

Why do used i7's go for $300+? Because they have better IPC they can overclock and when overclocked are faster to ryzen 2700x in games.
Interesting how you don't seem to question why they're being sold in the first place...
Intel is the new value CPU for the budget conscious gamer.

Intel dropping prices. I might have to watch the sky for flying pigs.
LOL best comment I have seen this year on this site.
The last time i saw Intel slash their prices was when their Pentium 4's were getting destroyed.
So one could say that intel are bulldozing their prices. Piledriving them into the ground even?
Why would they lower the prices? They sell everything they make and still they ask Samsung to help to make more. If Intel lowers the prices the webshops would just keep the old price and put the rest of the money in the pocket, they still sell everything they have in stock anyway. Just like the GPU mining Vega price and stock problem. This is pure Ryzen 3000 sabotage if you ask me, but i hope i am wrong.
Intel starting to sweat?

Why would they lower the prices? They sell everything they make and still they ask Samsung to help to make more. If Intel lowers the prices the webshops would just keep the old price and put the rest of the money in the pocket, they still sell everything they have in stock anyway. Just like the GPU mining Vega price and stock problem. This is pure Ryzen 3000 sabotage if you ask me, but i hope i am wrong.
Lowering your production to hit "selling everything they make" doesn't mean your product is selling well to what your company wants. Remember, Intel lowered the amount of CPUs they were making. Bringing in samsung means they will have more to sell, but also, still doesn't mean they are selling well. Lowering your price, and bringing in more by partnering with samsung, makes perfect logical sense.

People usually use them for upgrades to old i5 or i3 setups. Very much cheaper then buying a new system. Also I question everything and to say otherwise is flamboyantly incorrect.
Um.... why would someone have an i7 and downgrade to an i3 or i5? That makes no sense. In the last message I quoted from you, i7s were the only thing you brought up. If you really did question everything, you'd realize that i7s are being sold for $300+ because people are trying to get rid of them now while they still have value. For the 9000 series, they retain value pretty well because of Intel's shortage (which affected PC enthusiasts first and hardest). People are looking forward toward the next-gen parts from both Intel and AMD (though mostly AMD). If these people don't sell their CPUs now, their value is going to plummet. So, if you think seeing a whole bunch of used CPUs on the market at a high price is a good thing, well, let's see what those prices look like a month from now.

AMD fanboys: Screw you Intel your prices are too high. Insert AMD finally becomes competitive after many years. Screw you Intel for dropping your prices. Love the internet.
I don't see anyone here being mad at Intel for lowering their prices. Y'know a real sign of hardcore fanboyism? Completely making stuff up that never happened.

Um.... why would someone have an i7 and downgrade to an i3 or i5? That makes no sense.
Reading comprehension, my dude. People who had i3 or i5 systems buying used i7 CPUs to upgrade. But you are right, the reason those used i7 CPUs are on the market at all is because people are upgrading, previously to newer Intel and now to Ryzen.
Admittedly, taking a closer look back, I did somewhat misinterpret what typhon6657 said. Though given the context, his reply to me didn't really have much at all to do what what I said earlier, hence my confusion.

The last time i saw Intel slash their prices was when their Pentium 4's were getting destroyed.
That would be the AMD Athlon Barton era, right? The nForce 2 days.

That would be the AMD Athlon Barton era, right? The nForce 2 days.
Yeah it was, an Athlon 64/FX vs Pentium 4/D. Then Intel come out with C2D and it was a game over until this day when history repeats.

Screw you Intel for dropping your prices.
Making stuff up now eh?

That would be the AMD Athlon Barton era, right? The nForce 2 days.
Yeah the Athlon 64 era vs the Pentium 4/ Pentium D days, at least Intel and AMD were neck to neck in the first Athlon/Duron vs Pentium 3/Celeron days.
15%? That's not enough. That only brings it back down to a bit overpriced like they used to be. I think they should have gone for, say, 25-30%. AMD had to do price reductions far more drastic than that in '06(?) when the Core2Duo line released and whooped their entire lineup.
I'm not buying an Intel processor when they have swiss cheese security holes.