GTA V sales are $800 mln on the first day

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good for them, they made a successful product. Love this view of success as a bad thing, no wonder all you guys are pissed off all the time. Anyone here that could take their money and quadruple it in a day would.
Almost a billion dollars in a day... Completely bonkers. I wonder what it's like to make 1000x more money than most of us will earn in our lifetimes in just one day.
Did you buy any shares in Take-Two interactive prior to release of GTA v? Shouldda done, even 1.2 points can make a difference in this kinda market...
Anyone here that could take their money and quadruple it in a day would.
It's worth remembering that GTA V wasn't built in a day. These returns are the product of hundreds of people working for several years.
It's worth remembering that GTA V wasn't built in a day. These returns are the product of hundreds of people working for several years.
Correct. I just hope they can provide a good PC version will all that profit they made and will make. Because from what I've seen on YT gameplay videos, it looks like s**t. The story might awesome, but I expect to have some good graphics to enhance the whole experience.
I fully expect the the PC version to run like crap.
Did you buy any shares in Take-Two interactive prior to release of GTA v? Shouldda done, even 1.2 points can make a difference in this kinda market...
I wish! Kind of like how I wish I would have put a few thousand into Apple right before the iPod and iPhone came out. 🙂
Not really a massive fan of the series, but nice to see a local company of so well. Also waiting for a PC version, in spite of what most people claim the PC port of GTAIV was actually quite good, unfortunately Rockstar didn't dumb down the port enough and gave people far too much choice when it came to options and there was hurt e-vagina aplenty when they couldn't run it. On a serious note though, i do Rockstar dumb down the PC port of GTAV a little bit. It might be nice for the few with the tech crank the game up to silly levels and it does help make it "future proof" but the majority won't thank you for it.
The port was quite good? You don't usually make posts this nonsensical. The port runs badly for many people on modern systems, and it most definitely isn't due to how good it looks. It runs like a dog at random and has since its PC release. It had mod support, woohoo! All PC games used to support mods. Just another case of the mods outshining the game, just as is the case with any Bethesda game on the PC. GTA4 is arguably the worst port I've ever played, but maybe I've been lucky in that regard.
Dark Souls or The Force Unleashed were far worse ports in my opinion. It certainly wasn't perfect, but how many games are when it comes to optimisation? The problem with GTAIV is that most people cranked up the sliders without knowing what they were doing, or even checking how much difference maxing a certain option did visually. It's a similar story with Arma 3 right now, people are moaning alot about performance, especially when it looks quite ordinary, but they are missing that the scale of the game is huge. Small, pretty, linear games are fine sometimes but not every game has to be like that.
Dark Souls or The Force Unleashed were far worse ports in my opinion. It certainly wasn't perfect, but how many games are when it comes to optimisation? The problem with GTAIV is that most people cranked up the sliders without knowing what they were doing, or even checking how much difference maxing a certain option did visually. It's a similar story with Arma 3 right now, people are moaning alot about performance, especially when it looks quite ordinary, but they are missing that the scale of the game is huge. Small, pretty, linear games are fine sometimes but not every game has to be like that.
The game runs like plap for me on my current rig. It does for multiple other people on high end current hardware. It's well known that it runs like crap because it's a terrible port. Trying to excuse it is insanity, I don't know why you're even trying to do so. There very well might be worse ports, but the fact they require thinking about to find speaks wonders about GTA4 on the PC.
I was getting 50-60fps with EFLC last night, and i have a older slower system than you do. I'm justifying it because the engine renders alot of detail if people let it, dumb the engine down to normal levels and all of a sudden people think a game like Max Payne 3 is a great port in comparison.
Exactly my point. I've played the game with this system and had worse performance without mods than you're claiming now. I'm confident I've seen people with similar setups quote lower performance than you're stating also. Eclap quoted 40-50 with the stock game recently if I remember right. Look it up a little. The performance people get with the game is disgustingly random. I've read reports of people having huge changes in performance between loading saves with the same hardware. It's a well documented case of a terrible port. I agree with you that some people see good where there is bad, and vice versa. But I'm not one of those people -- and GTA4 PC was bad port. It just was.
Each to their own, but I'm not going to agree I still have performance issues when I really don't. Spend a lot of time with the console versions and you will appreciate the visual and performance gap between them and the PC version might be larger than any other game. As per my first post, to save the complaints any port of GTA V should be as simple as possible.
I've seen the console versions and I know exactly what I'm talking about. I have a 360 sat in my closed (albeit a broken one, although it's just a minor optical drive issue I could fix if I wanted). The only console I've not owned 'this gen' is the Wii, which I had heavy access to thanks to family. I'm not talking out of my backside. GTA4 was a bad port, no matter how you try to sum it up. Whether that translates to GTA5 or not has yet to be seen.
Maybe for you, but not for me, my performance is fine. The engine is definitely too system heavy, but that is a completely different thing from a bad port.
Dark Souls or The Force Unleashed were far worse ports in my opinion. It certainly wasn't perfect, but how many games are when it comes to optimisation? The problem with GTAIV is that most people cranked up the sliders without knowing what they were doing, or even checking how much difference maxing a certain option did visually. It's a similar story with Arma 3 right now, people are moaning alot about performance, especially when it looks quite ordinary, but they are missing that the scale of the game is huge. Small, pretty, linear games are fine sometimes but not every game has to be like that.
Once upon a time, shadow quality was set based on resolution and there was no way around it. It was a long time before Rockstar fixed that so no, it wasn't just people who had no idea what they were doing. The port was terrible. The fact that it's mostly playable now is a product of higher end systems as well as the work Rockstar did through several patches.
The shadows were horrible to look at, still are to a lesser degree. I never said it was a perfect port, just that nowadays it's nowhere near as people make out. Darkest, sorry I don't know what the say, there are a bunch of ports as well as PC exclusives that give me more performance issue than GTA IV, and after all I can only comment on my own experience.
Maybe for you, but not for me, my performance is fine. The engine is definitely too system heavy, but that is a completely different thing from a bad port.
The. Game. Is. A. Bad. Port. This is well documented. I am not making this up. It is not an excuse. I have tried it on multiple systems with multiple configurations. I know many people who have played it with different configs, old and new. It runs like arse because it's a bad port. Period. I don't get your attitude with this. You're usually quite level headed, but with this..
The shadows were horrible to look at, still are to a lesser degree. I never said it was a perfect port, just that nowadays it's nowhere near as people make out.
How it performs now a days isn't even relevant to the discussion, and that's the problem. ARMA can't even be compared because it has no console equivalent. GTA 4 released first on consoles and ran at what could be considered "medium" graphics with a framerate around 30fps. The PC version when it came out barely ran on the highest end rigs at the time. That's's the definition of a horrible port. The extra graphics options were not "forward thinking", they were just broken.
It was said the console versions ran on low settings, 720p and under and with a framerate that dropped into the teens. It's late here, no point me repeating myself.