GeForce RTX 3060 with 8GB / 128-bit memory bus memory released

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idk about this... it seems intentionally handicapped and i'd love to see it benched. but this may be what they have to do to keep margin at a reduced price point. if there's no reduction in price this milks the weasel.
Absymal performer, even for a 1080p gamer
I should imagine it is aimed at 1080p gamers like me. But being a 3060 I don't think it will have enough umph. I do not work on the max fps but minimum in a game bench and couple this with a Ryzen 3600 CPU and you have got a waste of money.
We unluching the 4080 12gb to not cause confusion. Also we are releasing few more variation of the 3060 !
The first 4000 series card has already been released, so the new gen is here, but Nvidia is still more interested in coming up with more 3000 series variations. At least Jensen didn't simply relabel this 4050, like might have happened a decade ago.
Nvidia copying AMD in gimping their GPUs with shorter memory busses.
RTX 3050ti
Might be hard competitor for my 5 years old 1080 laptop...

Is it really? A 12GB 3060 easily does 1080p, and I do 4K with most of my games no problem with it. A 6600 XT on PCI-E 3.0 at 8x performs slightly better. I would think this 8GB 3060 with the reduced memory bandwidth to perform similar to the 6600 XT at 3.0.
Well sure you can game on a RTX 3060 12GB at 4K but you have to lower your in-game graphics settings to low or medium if you want a decent frame rate. Then your game looks pretty bland. Either way, a 3060 8GB with only a 128-bit bus is gonna suck

Absymal performer, even for a 1080p gamer
Is it though? I have a 3060Ti and run games like cyberpunk almost completely maxed out. Valhalla absolutely maxed, Control and others I can't think of because I'm tired. Surely it can't be that bad when a 3060Ti is as fast as a 2080 super. Which would mean a 3060 is about the same as a 2070

Is it though? I have a 3060Ti and run games like cyberpunk almost completely maxed out. Valhalla absolutely maxed, Control and others I can't think of because I'm tired. Surely it can't be that bad when a 3060Ti is as fast as a 2080 super. Which would mean a 3060 is about the same as a 2070
Yes but this is neither the 3060 or 3060ti. Memory bandwith is cut 33% here so 1440p becomes an issue. This will be a 1080p card decent performer like @Airbud said more like 3050ti.
I was hoping it was a version of the 3070/3060Ti with less cores, but no, it's less bandwidth... Not so good... But another option is good, if the price is right. People are complaining here about performance, but haven't seen a single benchmark... Are there psychics among us?? o_O
If it were a 256bit bus variant, I'd think strongly about it. I'll hold out for a 4070 or 4070ti for the time being.
the really need to stop making card with the same freaking name with completely different specs and performance it great way to confuse and piss people off when they find out performance isnt what is. then again i guess great way to get rid there over stock, providing people dont know diffrence with in the same "name"

Is there a way to simulate a 128-bit memory bus, perhaps by lowering the memory clocks? I'm thinking taking a regular 3060 and underclocking the memory a little bit to get the bandwidth comparable to whatever the 128-bit bus would be capable of, and I guess making sure whatever is tested manages to not use more than 8GB VRAM.
How severely you'd have to underclock your memory to have 240gb/s idk if card would even allow that. Also testing must be done at 1440p thats where you'll see performance degradation.
why not call it 3055 instead? isnt a shorter more distinctive name better and less confusing?

why not call it 3055 instead? isnt a shorter more distinctive name better and less confusing?
Because nGreedia can sell it at a higher price as an RTX 3060 rather than as an RTX 3050 Ti. They tried this stunt with the RTX 4080 12GB FE (Fake Edition), unfortunately for nVidia and Jensen, even nVidia fanboys didn't let him get away with this obvious money grab.
Historically the xx60 cards and earlier the x600 where always the place that will release all the left over chips no matter the defect really 8600gs gt gts .... And I am sure there are more we had more than 5 different 1060s ..... Etc etc etc.....

Because nGreedia can sell it at a higher price as an RTX 3060 rather than as an RTX 3050 Ti. They tried this stunt with the RTX 4080 12GB FE (Fake Edition), unfortunately for nVidia and Jensen, even nVidia fanboys didn't let him get away with this obvious money grab.
^ This exacxtly , i have the same opinion.
Third DUAL design for RTX 3060 series ASUS releases a new model based on the latest RTX 3060 Ti SKU. Holy milking batman 😱 . 3 different models with the same name / moniker rtx 3060Ti from Asus lol , what a freaking mess ... Dual Mini — 200 × 123 × 38 mm Dual (New) — 230 × 120 × 42 mm Dual (Old) — 269 × 136 × 52 mm The Dual OC is a dual-slot and dual-fan card based on updated RTX 3060 Ti with GDDR6X memory. It’s an entirely new design, a third in the generation of RTX 3060 Dual series. Source and full story -