Far Cry 6 product page Surfaces - Welcome to Latin america

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FC1 and Instincts Predator. JACK CARVER! That's FarCry. What we have now is just using the FC name and nothing more.
That stopped being far cry a long time ago. To state todays games are not far cry because, effectively, one game in its entire franchise, was different....thats on you. If they released a far cry game that was like the original, today, it'd flop because almost no one is expecting that kind of game and will be way too much of a change. You'd get the very small minority like you happy, and probably destroy the franchise from ever having another game because of it.
sounds like they are re-making boiling point? basically FC before FC.

Iā€™m sick of all the guilty white liberals shoving their political agendas in my face for sympathy votes and reparations. Keep that trash out of video games! They already ruined FC5 by turning white men into gun-toting redneck morons, and then they made Vaas, arguably one of the best bosses, a minority. Go figure.
I feel your pain bro. But what was the alternative? Send bunch of white bois to lead a mercenary army in the middle of Latin American jungle? Hope they blend in? No one notices anything out of place? 2 months ago a Florida-based security company called Silvercorp did just that. The boys were cooked before they hit the beach šŸ™ LOL Jungle is no place for a white man; a fukin pimple can kill you. Stay home, stay safe.

What the frack are you talking about? They have all been amazing and this one is going to be even better. If you are looking for something that is co-op there is no better franchise. Can't wait for this.
The "climb a tower to unlock area" got old fast, glad they ditched it in 5.

Besting Far Cry 3 (and 4) isn't easy. To me, Primal was the only really interesting one since. The other games haven't been bad games, they've just been worse than 3 and 4.
3 was great I thought, the hallucinogen levels were trippy as hell lol. I hated 4 the map was boring and the consistent climbing got boring for me, also the antagonist was a little lacking compared to 3. I couldn't get into primal at all though I liked the idea and how they used the same map as 4 but thousands of years in the past. 5 for me was excellent, the towers were gone, the characters were interesting and the main antagonist was really interesting. Gave me a "Waco" vibe.

Iā€™m sick of all the guilty white liberals shoving their political agendas in my face for sympathy votes and reparations. Keep that trash out of video games! They already ruined FC5 by turning white men into gun-toting redneck morons, and then they made Vaas, arguably one of the best bosses, a minority. Go figure.
Your avatar is making more sense now after reading a few of your comments here.

Well, define 'real'. What makes a real FC game for you?
A continuation of Far Cry, I consider every game after Far Cry to not be Far Cry games because they are not.... they are just unrelated games that are using the name as a means of marketing. I will not argue with anyone regarding my opinion of these unrelated games, I am just stating my opinion on my disappointment about there never being any more real Far Cry games.
Not Ubisoft week, someone inside Ubisoft leak info about FarCry 6 and how [spoiler]FarCry 3[/spoiler] tie with the story of FarCry 6.
From leaked trailer, Steam not listed, guess it won't be available on Steam. https://i.imgur.com/aOxKDK1.jpg Well... maybe the 7th game will be a real FarCry game..... *stares off into the distance*
another game about commie revolution where player is forced to shoot patriots?
Its just a game ffs. If people get triggered by political inferences they dont agree with, then do not buy it. Turn on your TV, watch Fox news and get back to your preferred opinionated state of mind.
I love the jungle fights in FC3 but the ghost/god visions BS turned me away from the game later in the story. If i spot any form of drug infested visions, mushrooms or superapples in the FC6 videos i GTFO instantly!

This franchise is so played out. It needs a new engine, story, and total overhaul so bad.
Needs to END. Really. Its the same thing every year.

A continuation of Far Cry, I consider every game after Far Cry to not be Far Cry games because they are not.... they are just unrelated games that are using the name as a means of marketing. I will not argue with anyone regarding my opinion of these unrelated games, I am just stating my opinion on my disappointment about there never being any more real Far Cry games.
Well there are 2 sides to every fence....on one side people like the games to link up and continue a story but on the other.....people dont want the same thing...they want some thing new and different. Me personally....i like games like the division 1/2 or arma 1/2/3, i liked the original Farcry right up to the point when the monsters came, i prefer fighting humans, i also found it to linear, which is why 3/4/5 and new dawn....in my opinion were great games but quite short lived, my ideal game would be a combo of the 3 gens.....graphics of the division.....movement and ballistics of Arma and the story frame and landscape of Farcry 3/4/5, but thats just my opinion.

If you did, You'd know why people call it out and are upset.
I did and im not upset, i thought the original formula on farcry was stale. and really people are upset waa waa, not too worried about that.

You're entitled to your opinion as much as we're entitled to ours. We don't like the franchise, and find little enjoyment in the games.
Great, so go play other games. Ubi keeps making FC games because they sell millions of copies, so obviously there's big demand for such games. Not every game is for every person. What's so hard to understand?
I'm a sucker for FC games, just as I'm one for AC games. I know it's the same formula, but yeah, I just like the story aspect that's new or at least different every time. And damn if I'm not a huuuge Breaking Bad fan and really look forward to having Gus Fring (or better said a supercharged dictator version of him!) being the big bad once more. It's funny that I immediately recognized Nacho from Far Cry 3 when I started Better Call Saul, and now it will be the other way around. šŸ™„
@Glottiz @angelgraves13 You can both stop.

Apparently you haven't touched FC1 and Instincts predator? Thats not "ONE" game like you said, Thats essentially 2 games.
It's one game, with effectively an expansion. Yes, i have played them, and no, if you want to consider it 2 games, it doesnt change the facts of what i said. Farcry instincts wasnt even made by crytek, so again, farcry stopped being the original farcry long, long ago. Closest thing to it would be crysis.

If i spot any form of drug infested visions, mushrooms or superapples in the FC6 videos i GTFO instantly!
I think all of them do. FC4 had trips, FC5 had bliss. All pretty similar in effect.

Not everyone here is American, Some people just want escapism and to have fun while playing what is essentially a toy.. not to be preached at while playing said toy. I feel like it's only the past couple years that this has been such an issue, it's kind of sad really, it's like it's being forced into video games like crazy.
Just by playing games, I wouldn't know the first thing about it. But then comes a guy and starts raging about women snipers, gay fighter pilot, non-white main villain and similar all the while screaming I Dont Care About Your Feelings o_O