EA Gets hacked - 780GB of data and sourcecode stolen

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@KissSh0t I I didn't want to quote pictures to save thread space but I nearly spit my drink out with that.. Kudos
While EA is probably the target you'd care least about, i really do hate these hackers with a passion... they are undermining the gaming industry with hacking all the gaming companies as of late.
I am the only one who kinda agree for this to happen for SOME companies? EA really deserves it, and I hope they will troll them with offering 100GB content DLC for a huge amount of price, and do this with all the remained amount About CD Projekt Red, they shouldn't deserve it, but with their fake CP2077 unrealistic trailers, they kinda got what they deserved. Rockstar on other hands, is one of the company which half deserves it half not, they are good game devs, but greedy af. (Valve, damn son release something) Companies that shouldn't deserve if it happens? Taleworlds, Epic, Paradox etc.
I wouldn't pay for the Frostbite engine if you paid me.
haha f EA. Just being honest.:)
780GB probably half of a game with modern standards.
Oh good, maybe now the games can be played without MTs everywhere, and with bugs patched.
780gb of wasted space.
I bet this happened a while back and they are legally obliged to make it public. If I were EA I would have hoped to keep it under wraps until BF2042 releases for sale.

I wouldn't pay for the Frostbite engine if you paid me.
Why? Let me guess, you didn't like it being used in your Dragon Age or Mass Effect? It's a pure shooter engine, excels in what it was purposely built for, Battlefield and by extension Battlefront.
This will probably end up being used for Cheaters to ruin more of EA's games and servers. Great.

I wouldn't pay for the Frostbite engine if you paid me.
If you pay me more than i have to pay em sure i would ! As many times as i can i will do nothing with it but free money is free money 😛

While EA is probably the target you'd care least about, i really do hate these hackers with a passion... they are undermining the gaming industry with hacking all the gaming companies as of late.
Yeah but to be brutally honest the game industry has been doing a damn fine job of undermining itself now for the last decade.

This will probably end up being used for Cheaters to ruin more of EA's games and servers. Great.
Not to sound like I am repeating myself but EA have been doing pretty well at that themselves for the last few years.