EA is working on the remaster of Command & Conquer

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"Kane lives!" -Andrew Wilson Oh no 🙁
"Unit ready" EA standing at the ATM...
Don't get your hopes up, EA has gone full mobile.
I'm cautiously optimistic. At the very least, I'm hoping I can run Red Alert 2 without needing a million patches. EA has also promised no microtransactions (we'll see if they keep that promise).
Another series destroyed by EA... Just like Sim City, Crysis, Dead Space and so on... EA should be forced to sell the IPs they don´t use anymore to studios who care and are interested in making great games out of them.
Considering they've butchered pretty much every other franchise i loved and CNC 4 was a complete and utter failure this is going to be a disaster no doubt as well The sooner this company goes bankrupt the better
EA accesses MCV build tool sidebar Clicks C&C Tiberium Dawn Remaster Building On Hold Cancel RIP
The only Dev studio I would trust to do a HD Remaster the Command & Conquer series is Petroglyph Games. That studio is home to most of the original C&C team as well as Frank Klepacki who made all the music for those games. EA has no frakking clue how to make a Command & Conquer game and the ones who did have long since left the company. The remaining staff are so far out of touch from the series that they shouldn’t even attempt a remake. EA should sell the franchise rights to Petroglyph or simply not bother.
EA rarely fails to disappoint these days. The Titanfall games were a nice surprise and I'll still begrudgingly buy any battlefield game (for the sake of nostalgia...). That said, I can think of few other exceptions in roughly the past decade. Most recent EA games (and most AAA games...) have this shallow (cheap?) feel about them, similar to mobile games, where you can very obviously see all the places that content is behind a paywall or users are getting baited into additional purchases. None of this gives me any hope for a future C&C game that is worth buying. To anyone interested, there are still some active mod development for C&C generals, in particular one called "Contra" (https://www.moddb.com/mods/contra). http://cdn.ebaumsworld.com/mediaFiles/picture/366483/85516930.jpg
Awesome but I don't think I will buy
good times
I do not have faith in ea for the reasons people mention above and also what they did at dungeon keeper ...
NO, I dont want to do it, just not they crapped on C&C series enough
I honestly can not remember when last I played anything from EA. Possibly NFS most wanted that what more than 10 years ago.
Awesome news. I just hope that it allows some type of cooperative play like the originals

EA should be forced to sell the IPs they don´t use anymore to studios who care and are interested in making great games out of them.
Yeah, and then after the IP rakes in a bunch of cash for actually being well-made, EA buys it back and ruins it again.
So they're going to remaster C&C just like they did with SimCity? I think I'll pass on this one.
Hilbert Hagedoorn:

Can you believe it's been nearly 25 years since the original was released? EA will be developing a remaster of the strategy game Command & Conquer, in honor of the upcoming 25th anniversary of... EA is working on the remaster of Command & Conquer
No, i really can't, i can still remember playing this in Dos on my 386 25mhz with adlib card on my massive 15in crt screen as if it were just a few years ago, not 25. lol
While I've got nothing but love for RA's 1 and 2 and the original Tiberium series (although I was more of a Red Alert guy), I thoroughly enjoyed Generals and Tiberium Wars. RA 3 was whatever and 4 was an abomination, but Generals and TW were actually very good RTS's IMO (so EA was 2 for 4 with full C&C games). I get the hate for EA though because instead of attempting to rebound from C&C 4 they went mobile and some shitty browser game. I'm hoping it will be a proper remaster

Yeah, and then after the IP rakes in a bunch of cash for actually being well-made, EA buys it back and ruins it again.
No need to be mean like that... You almost sound like a top executive from EA...