Download Radeon Software Crimson Edition 16.5.3 Driver

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Thanks, downloading... Ill post 3dmark results asap.
AMD is on fire? What is going on...those fast driver updates every month. Known Issues , all CF :S
wtf happen to amd nice job AMD :banana:
Is this real life? 2 (TWO) CF profiles for yet unreleased games? This is unbelievable. I hope they both work well since both TW and OW look like great fun.
Atiapfxx.blb Crossfire profile changes for: XCom2 Star Wars: Battlefront (3) Fallout 4 Rise of the Tomb Raider The Division Hitman (2016) New profiles for: Battleborn Mirror's Edge: Catalyst Overwatch "HighPerfGPUAffinity" flags for: Oculus Cinema Oculus Photos "VR Application" Shufflepuck The Mean Greens: Plastic Warfare Total War: Warhammer Doom 4 (Supposedly this forces use of dedicated GPU over integrated if I understood correctly.) There's a profile for Mirror's Edge Catalyst targeting MirrorsEdgeCatalystTrial.exe in addition to MirrorsEdgeCatalyst.exe so I guess they're doing a EA Access demo for it soon-ish?
Nice to see new drivers after just watching the YouTube vid of NVIDIA Devs and Marketing trying to explain why Founders Edition cards are worth the +$100 premium, when they're basically "Reference" designs. lol Anyhoo, did the upgrade install, no issues other than a reboot required.
MPC-HC+MadVR still broken. :realmad:
Update your madVR version to 0.90.20. The performance regression I had with 16.5.2(.1) is gone with this driver.
this is what AMD should have been doing all along. It looks like they cleaned up the parasites that were bringing the company down, and replaced them.
sorry but these drivers are insane... something general in cfx must have been changed. because i get 99% gpu util in cfx in GTA V now almost throughout every scenery. before it was still good with 75-99% but now it rarely drops below 95% for me. just made some shots - 2 with and 2 without sweetfx (smaa, sharpen, etc, first one is without) [spoiler][/spoiler] [spoiler][/spoiler] [spoiler][/spoiler] [spoiler][/spoiler] i mean i had my setup optimized to the max already. btw i am working on several youtube videos at the moment which take a lot of time for a newbie in terms of recording/publishing. but there will be a 270X CFX performance bomb PRETTY soon. and i am talking about 1440p gameplay in hitman, gta v, fallout 4, witcher 3 and some more. and we're talking ~80FPS median ... (higher in gta and fallout) you got your teaser screenshots here ๐Ÿ™‚ oh here's one in original size for people who are interested. but it's not what it looks like when gaming on my 1080p screen... [spoiler][/spoiler] EDIT: btw can confirm fallout 4 performance improvement in CFX as well
Update your madVR version to 0.90.20. The performance regression I had with 16.5.2(.1) is gone with this driver.
Thanks! I had the 0.90.17... Updated to 0.90.20 and its working :banana:
Finally AMD is making an effort in fast game support specially in CFX with this new increase release rate. ๐Ÿ™‚ At this rate maybe we can see released! ๐Ÿ˜€
What's the status for the people who had problems with flickering with 16.5.2 with video or desktop usage?
Aleluia another driver,another uninstall/install. ๐Ÿ™‚
this is what AMD should have been doing all along. It looks like they cleaned up the parasites that were bringing the company down, and replaced them.
Yeah looks like old farts are gone. CEO Lisa Su is chinese(Taiwan),right?Right.Then looks like some chinese fellows work for them.Faster than others. ๐Ÿ˜€
Now that Overwatch released I played a few games with the shiny, new profile at 4K. It's an absolute joke, the stutter is horrible, FPS drops all over the place and it's in absolutely no way better better than forcing AFR compatible on the beta. :bang::bang: I'm almost certain all they did was to enable AFR friendly/compatible by default, I seriously doubt they've actually done something to make an OW-specific profile. Maybe I'm wrong, but it runs exactly the same as it did in the open beta when I forced AFR compatible myself. Another driver, another disappointment, I should've known not to get my hopes up when AMD releases drivers.