Download: Radeon Adrenalin Edition 18.3.4 Driver

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Did a "dirty upgrade" from 18.3.3 to these, and had numerous issues. Restart safe mode, deleted all the crap in AMD folder before running DDU. Installed 18.3.4 and now all is well. I am disgustingly happy with my Vega 56, which I have retrofitted with a cheap water cooling solution. Can run stably at 1750/1050 - but much much nicer to enable chill+freesync and do 50-60 FPS gaming (100-120 frames displayed on my MG279Q) at sub 100 watts. Its like gaming finally done right!
Gents, I have a problem. How do I get to the Radeon Additional Settings in this new driver? I'm not seeing the option...
To clarify: I'm looking for a way to save both my monitor arrangements (extended, dual extended) and also toggle my Eyefinity display config like in the old CCC (without having to re-enable and config Eyefinity each time).
Turns out my Crossfire settings are missing too! What a mess... Also tried the upgrade route from 16.11.5 but that did not work either!
I submitted a bug report to AMD.

I submitted a bug report to AMD.
What bug report exactly? Bring back the old catalyst? ...... lol

What bug report exactly? Bring back the old catalyst? ...... lol
I told them my Crossfire options and Radeon Additional Settings are missing, as well as the inability to assign hotkeys.

I told them my Crossfire options and Radeon Additional Settings are missing, as well as the inability to assign hotkeys.
What gpu?

I told them my Crossfire options and Radeon Additional Settings are missing, as well as the inability to assign hotkeys.
There are no more radeon additional settings. DDU -> 18.3.4 -> Display Tab or Gaming Tab -> Global Settings. Do a bit of research.
They are still installed though for some reason, hopefully this last bit can eventually be removed in full and keeping it all in CNext / Radeon Settings. 🙂 (The Program Files (x86)\AMD\CCC folder has the files for this.)

There are no more radeon additional settings. DDU -> 18.3.4 -> Display Tab or Gaming Tab -> Global Settings. Do a bit of research.
Actually, yes there are supposed to be. For Presets and audio. I also am missing my Crossfire options.

What gpu?
XFX 295x2.

There is nothing interesting or useful for crossfire in radeon settings anymore. Guys above never had crossfire since 2015 (if they ever had any even before) so, I feel your need to go back to old functional or improved CCC. You see, since 2016 we've got a huge degrade in options for AMD gpus for the sake of visuals. I am a programmer and I feel it the quality change as QA myself, nice UI but trash settings. They decided some stuff are non functional or useless by themselves. Keep reporting or ask them to email you a functional control panel.
Thanks for the sympathies. The new Radeon Settings Panel also needs to be something for switchable graphics for those people with laptops. The Crossfire settings should be under Gaming - Global as well as under Gaming - Game Profile but the options simply aren't there. And again, on top of all that's missing, there are also no hot key assignments for Presets any more!
Setting of switchable graphic and Crossfire should be under system, if I remember correctly...

Setting of switchable graphic and Crossfire should be under system, if I remember correctly...
Crossfire is under gaming --->Global settings--->>One of the Global Graphics First Tab Radeon settings > Gaming > Global Settings > Global graphics. Crossfire should be there. If you disable it, two "Global graphics" options will show up (one for each card), the option to enable crossfire again will show up only in the menu of the main card.

AMD is perfect.
Once thing I can't get over is how in the past AMD was the choice for video and HTPC. Now in Radeon Settings video enhancement options are a joke without decent fine-tuning when compared to the Vision Control Center of some 6 years ago (and for long before that) where specific video color enhancements, de-noising, de-blocking, etc, could be decently set-up unlike the very limited custom option we have now. Of course there's (and already was) madVR, etc, but it was nice to have the previous degree of tinkering right in the driver.
What is Borderless Region Capture for Relive? Found under the Global Tab. BTW: It would be nice for the tabs to actually have that 3d tab look AMD. 🙂

Radeon settings > Gaming > Global Settings > Global graphics. Crossfire should be there. If you disable it, two "Global graphics" options will show up (one for each card), the option to enable crossfire again will show up only in the menu of the main card.
Yeah I know where it should be, but for me it's not. I think it's because I have an 295X2...
:D 😱