Download Nvidia Geforce Hotfix 378.77 Driver

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Whaaaaaat ? - Fixed crash in Minecraft and some other Java-based titles - Resolved 'Debug Mode' as default option on Pascal based GPUs They fixed that again , previously on 378.57 Hot Fix Drivers
Dat debug mode bug. So serious, so much hotfixing needed.
Omg, I see that debug mode in NVCP for a long time - and turns out this is a bug? *shock*
You got to be kidding really, it's like the 3rd nvidia drivers in raw that gets a hotfix merely a week after release. Dear Nvidia, i can wait a week more for the better final product you know. <3 edit: reading the content, i'm not even concerned it seems. Probably will skip this one 😛
You got to be kidding really, it's like the 3rd nvidia drivers in raw that gets a hotfix merely a week after release. Dear Nvidia, i can wait a week more for the better final product you know. <3 edit: reading the content, i'm not even concerned it seems. Probably will skip this one 😛
this time it's 2 hotfixes in a row! let's just live on Hotfix drivers! :3eyes: Classical nVIDIA Swiss Cheese 😛uke2:
Keep those hotfixes coming, Nvidia!
NV should just rename their drivers to Hotfix... :P "Hottest software for the coolest hardware!" You can use that slogan for marketing Nv, just pay me insane royalties.
Guys seriously, don't want, dont download. Whql works just fine, however if there are people to whom those issues are important then frequent release of hitfix drivers is only a positive thingy.
No problem with fixes being released (that's good) but the fact whql releases are followed by hotfixes more often than not is a bit hilarious already.
is physx fix included? And I agree, I dont mind HF drivers but they need to get their **** together and release proper drivers, not something half broken.
Really peoples? Complaints about not enough things working, then Nvidia releases hotfixes and people complain about things working. What the crap? Debug mode is important for a lot of developers, or you don't get games.
Ok, thanks! So HF is actually good ol'beta, ye we had a bunch of those in the past, guess they didn't like the word beta anymore 😀
.72 also shows up a a BETA...I never noticed that before. Too bad they don't push these hot fixes via the updates.
Really peoples? Complaints about not enough things working, then Nvidia releases hotfixes and people complain about things working. What the crap? Debug mode is important for a lot of developers, or you don't get games.
May be someone did complain but most did kidding.
Branch reference: 378.77: r378_66-7 378.72: r378_66-3 378.66: r378_00-154 378.57: r378_48-4 378.49: r378_48-2
Really peoples? Complaints about not enough things working, then Nvidia releases hotfixes and people complain about things working. What the crap? Debug mode is important for a lot of developers, or you don't get games.
Why would debug mode be in any way important to developers? Anyway, the issue is not the amount of hotfixes, the issue is that stuff like the debug mode issue could've safely been fixed in its regular turn while the hotfix should've probably fixed something which is actually important, like the crash of The Division when switching from windowed to fullscreen, for example, which is going without a fix for nearly half a year now. Basically, if there's nothing serious fixed why even release a hotfix? So that people can then point fingers and say how bad NV drivers are?
Debug mode is still the default for me with this hotfix driver, with no way to turn it off.
Debug mode is still the default for me with this hotfix driver, with no way to turn it off.
Have you tried doing a complete clean install using DDU?
Debug mode is still the default for me with this hotfix driver, with no way to turn it off.
I think its only been corrected for Pascal.