Updated: Cyberpunk 2077 NVIDIA RTX 2080 Ti's sold at Auction for $5200

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Even if I had tons of cash to throw around I wouldn't even consider buying that.
My dad always used to say that the one who asks is not stupid. The one who pays is.
Sucks to be Cyberpunk2077 fan and have poor financial control.
No way ! This is just to much for a gph card

No way ! This is just to much for a gph card
Some people have really weak spots for "limited" offerings. Lots of Japanese people I know payed good amount of money to get limited/special items (even digital goods). According to them, they won't be able to buy it ever again in their lifetime, so they have to buy it now.
I bet the guy selling it is the sort of person who decided to hoard all the toilet roll.
So narrow minded in here. There's plenty of millionaires and billionaires who simply don't care about the cost. Some of them could be collectors. These will sell out, no doubt. They're not for the general public.
There she blows...
Are there plenty of millionaires, let alone billionaires sitting around playing video games??
This is good news for 1. April.but now is 8.
I rather buy a titan rtx with 24GB vram for 1/2 of the money and even that is overpriced bs
Holy Moly...you can buy a pretty good used car for that amount of money... As for buying this particular card on ebay for thousands of dollars in the immortal words of P.T. Barnum: "There's a sucker born every minute"

Are there plenty of millionaires, let alone billionaires sitting around playing video games??
Yep. Easily in their tens of thousands. Multi millionaires certainly.
Didn't the star wars Titans go for extreme amounts on Ebay too? Limited edition stuff sells no matter what kind of product it is
Would be nice to brag about but still won't get you laid. 😉
Seems a lot to pay for space invaders 😕

So narrow minded in here. There's plenty of millionaires and billionaires who simply don't care about the cost. Some of them could be collectors. These will sell out, no doubt. They're not for the general public.
Someone having the money to buy something stupid doesn't make the product less stupid. It's not narrow-minded to ask why anyone, regardless of wealth, would spend this amount of money on a cheap cosmetic difference. It's not like the heatsink is made of gold. Slapping an AMG sticker on your Mercedes C-class isn't going to suddenly make it double in value.
The world is full of suckers. I'm sure they will sell all "limited edition" GPUs.

Slapping an AMG sticker on your Mercedes C-class isn't going to suddenly make it double in value.
Seeing as someone is bidding on it on eBay for over $4000, it clearly has value to them. Demand price.

Seeing as someone is bidding on it on eBay for over $4000, it clearly has value to them. Demand price.
A little ironic to bring up value, wouldn't you say? Yes, clearly this is worth over $4000 to someone. Value in this context is subjective. It is of the opinion of the bidders that this product is worth the money. The people you're calling narrow-minded, in their opinion, think it isn't worth paying $4000+ for a different box and a decaled heatsink. I would argue it is narrow-minded to not be understanding of both sides. That being said, I understand why someone finds this product collectable, and collectors are willing to spend extra for something that is rare. Doesn't change the fact that they're burning money on something with no real additional value. It's not even one-of-a-kind, and we don't even know if Cyberpunk 2077 is going to be a good game. It's probably going to be a good game, but we're getting hyped over something we've never experienced ourselves.