Cyberpunk 2077 hotfix Patch Prevents Corrupt Savegames

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I'm on ryzen and radeon 6800. But well, pc master race. Live on 🙂
Despite its foibles I have enjoyed the game and am on my second go round what has peeved me off is the amount of promised content that was ripped out of the game (or never actually put in the game to start with) never before have I been so disappointed in an R18 game. The AI is sucky to non existent, driving is weird as hell (almost like they used horse riding physics for cars) there's basically no ingame nudity and very few hookers ( 4 to be precise and that leads to really weird cutscenes of not very much going on at all ie: Nothing I consider requiring an R18 rating) as for vendors only a very few of them will sell you stuff and getting into a relationship with any NPC is random chance at best even if you do everything right...... and the list goes on!. Although I must admit I haven't had the game CTD yet and seen very few game breaking bugs either. Some weird shit that I found funny as hell but that's about it
Why can't they make the working game from the start? I bet there would be 1000s patches fixing some problems...meh