Computex 2017: Breaking News - Noctua First To NOT Offer RGB fans

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Can we just get a round of applause here?
Because Noctua's color theme and metal theme is part of their brand. Why would they throw out of window all those people who were buying their stuff not only for quality of build and performance, but for this quite unique shaping and color theme? I saw many games which saw minor success and had smaller community which was dedicated to it and kept it afloat. Then they wanted bigger crowd, so they copied game system from successful game. In process they lost their core players and did not attract new ones from that successful game. Then they went under... So, yes. Noctua is best way it is.
Good guy Noctua.
Yeah! Cool! just give us more poo-colored fans!!!!
Always been happy with Noctua cpu heatsinks and fans. Respect for not adding leds in new ones.
why? why? WHY? Everyone knows that colored leds adds 300% to performance....?
Because Noctua's color theme and metal theme is part of their brand. Why would they throw out of window all those people who were buying their stuff not only for quality of build and performance, but for this quite unique shaping and color theme? I saw many games which saw minor success and had smaller community which was dedicated to it and kept it afloat. Then they wanted bigger crowd, so they copied game system from successful game. In process they lost their core players and did not attract new ones from that successful game. Then they went under... So, yes. Noctua is best way it is.
Those who buy noctua do it only because of performance, surely not color wise, unless they have a poo-themed case lol. Majority of people that renounce to buy noctua is exactly because of the colour, trust me. It's not the need of a stupid RGB. C'mon just trow us some black bundled fans!
As an Austrian I am very happy that Noctua doesn't give in to that trend to put RGB on everything, but rather concentrate on what it's supposed to be about, performance. The introduction of the grey line of fans was a good idea, but honestly, stop that RGB hype.
RGB LED trend should have been killed off before it layed its eggs. Hopefully others will follow suit.
Always admired Noctua and i am glad that they are keeping their signature, professional touch to their designs.
Never change Noctua, never change.
This is the latest Noctua rumor. They may have developed the thinnest fan blades ever, to be used in their new keyboard to keep your fingers cool. The keyboard is only available in beige, offers MX Cherry Brown keys and has brown LEDs. :P
Noctua always the same color.
Thanks to Noctua for understanding that not every PC hardware enthusiast is a prepubescent boy who needs LEDs in every centimeter of their PC build. Did I miss it or is there no new flagship cooler visible in any of the pics, I guess NH-D15 is here to stay as the top of the line cooler for a while longer?
Please Noctua, look into GPU Air Coolers :>
Keep it going Noctua!!!
Please Noctua, look into GPU Air Coolers :>
I asked them about this a long while ago:
Hello, First of all many thanks for choosing Noctua products. I can assure you that we have given the matter of a GPU cooler a lot of consideration over the last few years and we are still thinking about it. Building a GPU cooler is one thing, building a really good one is another thing, especially if it should be affordable as well. Another problem is the number of available PCB designs for one card, let alone different cards, which makes it difficult to optimize the product for top performance without the need to have 10 different SKUs. The Radeon 5870 cards are already moving into this direction with nearly every manufacturer working on or already offering cards with a custom PCB design. It's only a matter of time when we'll see the same happening on the GTX480 and GTX470 cards. We haven't given up on this topic and we are working on it but if and when there will be a GPU cooler from Noctua is something I can't tell you right now, sorry. Best regards, Noctua support team
Granted it was back in 2010, but yeah - I don't think they like the idea of having to support multiple different SKU's and it's arguably far worse now with custom designs than it was back then.
Noctua inspires eiffel65's 2nd big hit: "I'm Brown"