Check out the beautiful demo of Unity Lion - runs at 4K @ 30FPS

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This is amazing. How is working on a game in Unity compared to Unreal 5?
meh 30 FPS. It does look good at least.

This is amazing. How is working on a game in Unity compared to Unreal 5?
I haven't touched unreal since early v3 so I can't compare but Unity keeps spending money on acquiring this kind of tech that only a very small handful of game would use and instead is lagging really hard in terms of editor usability, performance and polish..... my project is on the small-medium size but I have to wait more than a minute to start play-testing after changing a single line of code......
Does this demo run with ray tracing? Does Unity support it? I haven't played any game on Unity with RT on.
Every once in a while Unity publishes some amazing looking demo. But real games that use Unity, never look like anything close. Asides from a couple of games, all games that use Unity look very basic. Even on PC, most look like mobile ports. UE tech demos also look better than games, but the difference is not as huge as with Unity.
It's nice to know that we'll still have realistic looking lions after we kill off all the wildlife in our effort to make computers that can run this type of complex graphical imaging available to the masses.
Just continues to prove that eye candy is a bigger draw than actual content. Games used to be about the story line. For the last 20 years or more story lines have been sacrificed for the choice of visual graphics. Worse is that these tech demos are supposed to show what's possible and yet we don't have actual running games that look anything like the tech demos from 10+ years ago... so they are just very expensive gimmicks that suck in the developers because at the end of the day that is what the zombie public will part with their cash for...
Missing the little details, like dust on the cubs fur when it rolls over, and dust kicking up.

meh 30 FPS. It does look good at least.
Dude, it's running on a PS5. The GPU in that has very roughly the same power as a 2070.
long way away from seeing anything close to in an actual game in real time with 60 fps, unitiy demos do tend extreme nice to look at

Dude, it's running on a PS5. The GPU in that has very roughly the same power as a 2070.
I’d rather turn down some settings to get at least 60FPS
Not sure I’m that interested in what Unity is up to these days after they announced a merger with IronSource, best known for its malware delivery system and monetisation software which will probably be shoehorned into every Unity game available.

I’d rather turn down some settings to get at least 60FPS
Right. Not sure you get the whole point of this demo.