BATTLEFIELD 4 - Prepare 4 Battle Sea

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Because they imply a disassociated rumble akin to being in the womb and hold our attention longer. Seriously. Tests have been done on this, and this is the reason.
All right. ... Does this imply that a long fart sound would have the same effect? One must have heard that too when in the womb.. :P
@Loobyluggs & other coleagues: I don't find the comparison with the ''teasing GF'' quite suitable within the given context. If your GF would like to tease you, she won't apper in front of you bare-naked, it's true, but neither she'd be wearing an orangutan skin covering her from the toes to the forehead - she would rather be wearing something more provocative, sort of a "sexy outfit'' with certain parts of her body exposed, right? That would be teasing, not making you numb...
Hm, what else are they going to "tease" us with? A closeup of an untied boot lace then have it zoom out as a soldier is retying it?
I hate myself for this... What gets under my skin... The propeller pitch is wrong. The ship would be moving backwards. How do you spend a week+ working on a clip that has a propeller taking up 90% of the screen, and not notice the propeller is messed up? Gah! -scheherazade
I hate myself for this... What gets under my skin... The propeller pitch is wrong. The ship would be moving backwards. How do you spend a week+ working on a clip that has a propeller taking up 90% of the screen, and not notice the propeller is messed up? Gah! -scheherazade
99.99% of people don't care about something so stupid.
And who cares about EA? Not me. Im boater and i care about propellers and pitches!!!
And who cares about EA? Not me. Im boater and i care about propellers and pitches!!!
I can understand all this however some people like myself do care, about how well the game will run (in other words, is it optimized or just another under the table GPU usage scam to force upgrades, dpends who they partner with tbh) and will I enjoy it as much as I do BF3. BF3 was my first BF, I was a COD player who was allowed the wonderfully planned smooth transition to occur, thanks to EA playing it smart and releasing OP METRO RUSH as BETA, a more linear, easy to grip map and mode for confused cod players, so the transition was so perfect for me, and I never looked back since. I am still having so much fun on BF3 I can't say in words, I am no veteran of BF but I got the premium BF3 and I am still loving it so much it's GREAT! I am MR ENTHUSIASTIC about BF3. The latest maps are SO much fun!
I did like getting in the tub and using my torpedoe to blow up boobs in 1942.
The thing is: "thanks" to these "teasers"... we do NOT know anything we did not know already - the game is "under construction" and hopefully it'll be waiting for us at the end of autumn of this year. The facts we knew before "the teasers" appeared on the Internet... No details to boost our thirst for it, means no teasing at all...
;4560863']99.99% of people don't care about something so stupid.
Stupid? I'd say the makers of the teaser are stupid.