Atari 2600 is returning as a handheld console

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maaaan!!! good old days, i still have mine 2600 jr somewhere with the original sliver box, and it still works, yes i am a nerd 🙄 and a horde, and i just i'm super old. still we had the coolest toys back in our days:D
Great, just what us older generation of gamers need, a small handheld device that we can't see with our aging eye sight and can't use with our massive labourer arthritic hands and fingers....who is that aimed at. lol Oh wait, you can plug it into the Tv, well that is something i suppose. lol
It's missing the one game I would have bought it for.....Defender 🙁
Hehe i wasnt even born...
I can't think of Atari 2600 without thinking of "River Raid" and "Enduro", so, why didn't Atari get licenses for such amazing games from Activision and other third-party developers ? And what about including a card reader or even a standard cartridge port in the mentioned products ?
I gotta ask, would anyone want one of these? Even when these games were brand new, everyone was a little disappointed with them. Compared with what was available in the arcade, and later on the earliest home computers, the games were HORRIBLE. Remember the disappointment when they finally released Pac-Man for the 2600? And like others pointed out, most of the good games were made by other companies like Activision and so this is going to be just another hunk of plastic and electronic components to go into a land fill.
Historically: It was too difficult to make a home console as powerful as the arcades of its age, and that was because of the unacceptable high costs of making such machines. So, even a simple game like Pac-Man on Atari 2600 would not be comparable to the arcade version. Technically: The concept of these and other new classic consoles (such as NES classic and SNES classic) is to emulate the real consoles, and thus, they use a completely different hardware, and that doesn't sound so good to me as a collector. In other words, I'm interested in owning these consoles, but only for collecting purpose, not for gaming, and when I want to play a certain retro game, I prefer to grab the real console and to use the real cartridge to get the real sense ...........
If it doesn't include ET: The Extraterrestrial I am not gonna get it.
The fact that they were even able to get a version of pac man on the 2600 was impressive. No its wasn't as nice as the arcade version but it was done by one guy, on a system that had a fraction of the resources that the arcade hardware had. If you really wanted to see what the atari 2600 could do, you should check out solaris. That game should never have been possible on that hardware. I still feel like those 60 games are definitely limiting, there were so many more good games that could go on there including the aforementioned river raid and solaris. Maze craze is a nice touch though, especially in two player mode. [youtube=buhHMAcRSwU]
I'll buy one if it can be hacked with some better ROMS that can be put on there somehow.
Sorry is this appealing to the nostalgia goggle wearers? I assume so because I am old enough to remember games from back then and while I loved them back then I can assure you I have no desire to play them today. So is this going to be direct ports of old games or actual updates?
No Combat or Empire Strikes back (Licensing maybe) however i expected Combat to be there. I still a Deluxe 2600 in my attic from many many years ago. Will i buy this handheld? Nope