ASUS Shares Statement on Series 400 Chipset support for Ryzen 5000

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Pretty sure somebody got sacked over this. I'm my experience Asus reps will tell you all kinds of fantastic tales like how XMP is overclocking and not supported. Then cant explain why their QVL list shows that speed and exact kit is supported on it. Even though this whole thing is turned around it's left a bad taste in my mouth yet again. Who is left that is reputable? ASRock and Gigabyte...
nice to see an official response from ASUS and the fact they are not forcing users to buy new mobos for 5000 series. Would have been better if they guru3d wouldn't have to drag the answer out of them tough.
Glad they made that statement, now it's surely clear what's it gonna be. Still a happy X470-F owner. No need to plan on purchasing a new motherboard in the near future, which is also true for the B450 owners.
Good, I bet there are a lot of users who will be happy to read this.
I thought as much, but it's great that it's "official" for Asus 400-series owners. That also means there's no way in hell I'm going to buy a 500-series mobo, since AM4 is (very likely) going to be dropped after Zen 3 anyway... At least I can save up a bit more until january/february.
Nothing surprising here, just the usual un-informed customer service people (not blaming them, they only get the information they have) and everyone freaking out based off of effectively nothing only for the company having to come forward and act as though they changed their mind or "we heard you" but people will still be upset because they will think "unless we did something, they would have left us high and dry!" when realistically speaking if this whole fiasco wouldn't have happened, the future would have looked the same.
Do not care for beta bios versions when they are a one way ticket. Do not have or plan to buy an eprom programmer. This statement, unneeded as it was, serves no purpose. All they said was we will do what AMD allows us to do. What a revelation. Color me impressed. Still going to buy a 500 series board; specifically the dark hero. Skipping the first two DDR5 generation cpus. Will see what the landscape looks like when Ryzen 6 shows up...or whatever it will be called. That is the current plan...*small print* subject to change at any time.

Do not care for beta bios versions when they are a one way ticket.
Well ok no ryzen 5000 for me before march then.