AMD Radeon Software Crimson ReLive 17.9.2 driver download

Graphics cards - AMD Adrenaline (Windows 10/11) 467 Updated by Hilbert Hagedoorn

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So AMD requires 2 $600 (actually most are priced at $699) GPU's to beat a $750 GPU. Got it.
LOL for the two people that have one LOL funny stuff H , and exactly the same as i was thinking to 🙂 🙂
This better be the game ready driver for Project Cars 2.
I wonder why the US supply of Vega is so low. Here in Switzerland there has been plenty of stock (still hundreds in stock at various online shops) since release, at normal prices (roughly $670 for Vega 64, including taxes and electronics is usually more expensive here than in the US).
Funny, that is almost a provocation. They release info about a driver you can't get which enables crossfire on a card which most of the world can't get even one, not speaking about two 😀 Would like (or maybe rather not 😀 ) to see the power consumption of two 64s.
well i have two of them and also my friend and after search in google there is a few that also have two 64 cards. soo to write that only 2 people have it its a wrong or you mean something else? i am also use linux alot and amd open source driver soo that another reason that i go with amd and not nvidia

well i have two of them and also my friend and after search in google there is a few that also have two 64 cards. soo to write that only 2 people have it its a wrong or you mean something else? i am also use linux alot and amd open source driver soo that another reason that i go with amd and not nvidia
It's called humor.
HH: "...For the 2 people that have been able to purchase two of them, it will bring Multi-GPU compatibility towards Vega...." HAHAhahahaha! HH, you just made my day with this 😀 OK, maybe whole situation about Vega release and availability isn't for laugh but couldn't resist, honestly wish that situation with Vega is completely different...

well i have two of them and also my friend and after search in google there is a few that also have two 64 cards.
Pics as a proof or it didn't happen! ;) Relax man, HH was just joking...
Yes!, I knew it was coming, but faster then I hoped for. Hopefully it covers a lot of games, exciting!

Anyone can purchase them if they so wish. they are not expensive. in fact they are cheaper than people think and available i just dont understand why anyone thinks they are not available because they have been from day one.
Depends where you live. Here in the US, where prices are usually the most sensible, RX56 is at minimum 500 USD, most sites around 550-570 USD. RX64 is atleast 650 USD wherever you look. At those prices, they are blatant rip offs, terrible price/performance ratio. A RX56 for $600, i cant fathom that. You can get a 1080Ti for close to 600 on sale and it's 50% faster
Vega is overpriced as hell. Vega 56 should be priced at 449$ and vega 64 at 599$ as the absolute maximum, meaning they should be cheaper by the end of the day, even the best AiB solution should never be near the cheapest 1080ti rival. Only fanboys would buy Vega series. Neither gamers nor power users would like to pay premium for AMD's survival. They never delivered the performance they promised.
haha i thought they enabled MxGPU. would love to have that kind of specs that can support 15-20 users/windows.
What Resolutions are these benchmarks at 1080p?? BAHAHA....oh god, I'm such an Nvidia fan boy.
Did AMD not threatened the lack of multi-GPU suport for Vega and their future cards..?o_O

You can get a 1080Ti for close to 600 on sale and it's 50% faster
Almost all 1080ti were 700 on release, I saw one that was 690 on release, now they're all floating around 750. I agree the prices are insane for a vega card but we all know it's because of mining. It's going to take some time for this bubble to pop. It is what it is, I'll stick with my 980 ti for a while. 1080ti is a great card but I'm not plunking 750+ tax for a gpu I'll wait.

Vega is overpriced as hell. Vega 56 should be priced at 449$ and vega 64 at 599$ as the absolute maximum, meaning they should be cheaper by the end of the day, even the best AiB solution should never be near the cheapest 1080ti rival. Only fanboys would buy Vega series. Neither gamers nor power users would like to pay premium for AMD's survival. They never delivered the performance they promised.
Yes, say that is overpriced in the USA. Actually, Vega56 is cheaper than the cheapest AIB 1070 models in the UK... 🙂

Welcome to guru3D then and have a good time, btw you have obsolete nvidia card 😛
Oh shit good point. Been a while since I updated the old specs. Looks better now LOL

This better be the game ready driver for Project Cars 2.
There is no driver good enough for you. But seriously did you even read it all. MGPU profile would suggest so. Also OC3D has just posted 17.9.2 is optimised for Project Cars 2.