Gigabyte 108 MBit Wireless

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Page 1 - Introduction

rounddefault-gigabyte-108mb.jpgGigabyte 802.11g dual port wireless router
More info: Gigabyte

Today ladies and gentlemen, we have the pleasure of bringing you a double product review (yes a DP) of the new Gigabyte wireless router GN-B49G and their PCMCIA wireless card GN-WMAG.

Whats so special about them. Well, Gigabyte amongst others have grabbed the standard wireless g protocol that has been quite widely adopted now, and set it up in dual port arrangement. The short of it is, we have a theoretical 108Mbps (13.5Mbyte/s). Thats twice as much as anything on the market.

We'll be testing quite a common arrangement, and weighing up some of the advantages Gigabyte gives the wireless world as opposed to the motherboard world that most of us most commonly associate with Gigabyte.

We'll be showing you the insides and the outsides of this new technology.

Through the rest of this review, we will see whether dual port mode has any performance benefits over normal wireless g, and we will also look at some of the other features of the two units.

  • Can the increased throughput really be doubled ?
  • How easy is the kit to use ?
  • How can Gigabyte acheive these speeds ?

Let's find out...

 DSC03812t.jpg Our test setup for the day

As a bit of a regular feature, there is also a little networking 101 that explains some of the basics. The more experienced among you can step over those two pages and get on with the guts of the review.

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