The Evil Within PC Seems to be Locked At 30FPS

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Simply really, don't pay for their crap attempts and they'll eventually realize they have to step it up or drop out. I can't remember the last time I pre-ordered a game or even bought one until after seeing reviews. Ahh, the good ol days of FC, Doom3, HL2, Crysis, etc.
Really need those 8GB cards right about now...
Simply really, don't pay for their crap attempts and they'll eventually realize they have to step it up or drop out. I can't remember the last time I pre-ordered a game or even bought one until after seeing reviews. Ahh, the good ol days of FC, Doom3, HL2, Crysis, etc.
PC gaming felt so much... cleaner, so to speak, back then imo. Today i find PC gaming just makes me frustrated. I can handle fixes and mods and tweaks etc that we've been doing since pc gaming began, but its just the industry itself has tarnished its own image and made the whole experience unenjoyable.
I think thats a bit unfair/ imo, you'd be hard pressed to find any pc exclusives that match Sonys line up from the PS3 and PS4 (Killzone and Second Son), not just in terms of visual (granted low resolutions and no aa for the PS3 exclus), but gameplay also. I've yet to play a single PC exclusive that had the sense of adventure that Uncharted left me with, the theme song still lingers in my head and just makes me want to go on a massive adventure of my own. Id argue that to this day or atleast thus far, Stalker is the finest PC exclusive imo, in terms of visuals, atmosphere and gameplay, that perfect mix of casual (PC casual) shooting with rpg elements. Last but not least, its not the consoles fault. Its just lazy developers that cant be arsed. Though I prefer to blame publishers and the constraints they put of devs, as i dont believe actual game developers would want to see their hard work go to waste on a under developed port.
^^This! Cheers mate!
Majority comments in that link seem to be on the money imo. What comments are you talking about? Tbh, this is what pisses me off about 'PC' gaming these days, being annoyed by a game before its even released.
30fps? Good, months of marketing to convince me to get the game screwed in just a couple mins. Way to go.
I am a tool, so Im still going to buy it and hope for the best. love survival horror.
Those black bars though. I agree with others, its either a movie or a game, cant have both. I was willing to let it pass with the Order 1886 or whats it called, but the more i think about it, the less sense it makes. Its nothing more than a FOV tweak really.
One comment stands out, and it's so true:
"The only thing scary about 30FPS are the sofa dwellers who accept it as standard."
Good bye Bethesda.. it was emotional.. something tells me there is gonna be a crack in about two days on the torrents after release with that FPS cap turned off.But I ain't gonna bother even then. It's incredible that not even a year after release of the new consoles they can't handle anything on 1080p@60fps. Can't wait for VR to start. Am just guessing that it's gonna mean the end for consoles as VR will be huge and once people will see how crappy the consoles are compared to PC we will see a PC rebirth. fingers crossed
Srsly I just provided a link where it tells that they will give an option to play @60 with no black bars, this topic needs to be marked as misleading
I'll gladly download that game for free.....yes i said it!
The question is... What happens to us Ultra wide monitor users, am I going to have to play this game in 16:9 aspect ratio with the black bars? It'll be tiny! I know it says you can remove the black bars but I'd rather not as that's where the bud elements are displayed.
Face it gamers will buy any junk they make that's why its like this in the first place
2.35:1 aspect ratio... what?
Read the link vazup posted, Bethesda have already confirmed you can unlock the 30fps cap, and remove the black bars!
2.35:1 aspect ratio... what?
Seconded. I don;t buy this at all. Typically horror movies use lots of narrow shots so you don't have the peripheral vision so you don't get a full picture of the surroundings so you feel less safe. At no point in horror movie history has a wide lens been a selling point. I was looking forward to this game but if they are going to pull this console garbage trend excuse that they used in the console game The Order:1886 as well as aiming for 24fps ( which they then changed to 30 ) for 'cinematic reasons' then I won't go near it. It is an excuse to cut pixels from the console version and the low frame rate is being used as a scapegoat for weak hardware After the push for 60fps on consoles the publishers were just dying for an excuse to 'aim' for low res and framerate.
Oh, snap, I was really looking forward to this game since it was announced and I still am, but I don't like what I see now, 30 fps cap is unaceptable on PC...especially if it's an id tech 5 engine game. Which is primarily capped at 60 and is without sli support.