Star Citizen To Support AMD's TressFX Tech

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Why try & make the ships look so nice when 99% of the time you wont even see them unless your in the hanger you wont see them in cockpit view & chase cam is to far away to see any detail on the ships. I also think if you put money into these kick starter games you should get a share of any profit that the game eventually makes.
Errrrm... You land on planets, and can walk around inside the larger ships. CDJay
It's been in development a while and I hope it lives up to the hype. Looking good so far.
Errrrm... You land on planets, and can walk around inside the larger ships. CDJay
Same thing hanger/planet walk around & it will look great sitting there doing nothing :P & what uber detail on the outside of a ship will you see while walking around inside of a bigger ship, nothing at all so my point still stands tbh.
Same thing hanger/planet walk around & it will look great sitting there doing nothing :P & what uber detail on the outside of a ship will you see while walking around inside of a bigger ship, nothing at all so my point still stands tbh.
By that logic, never get your hair done because most of the time you wont be looking at it. But if that doesn't work for you, consider that it's a community thing. You'll see other people's ships and they'll see yours. Together we make the universe a more beautiful place.
I've wanted to sign up to comment @ guru3d for a while and a few uninformed comments on this story pushed me over the edge. Considering this is a hardware site primarily I would think members would be really excited for a game that takes such advantage of hardware and be a bit informed about the game because of the fact that is doing that. As said the trailer is done entirely in-engine w/ added time effects as well as scripted animations etc. What's crazy is (minus the dramatization in the scripting) the maneuvers displayed in the commercial are completely possible to pull off in the game in it's current form. You'd have to be almost super-humanly talented to do it though. I would agree Arena Commander is currently difficult to be good at in comparison to many games but far from boring. What's in Star Citizen currently is only a fraction of what is planned, yet at the same time whats in it is already more fleshed out and polished than I would have ever expected for a game this scale. Also the prices to secure ships are really for the purpose of funding the game because it is entirely CROWD FUNDED without a publisher to screw things up for RSI and thus the players. Once the game is in full swing you'll be able to purchase them with in game credits. All I own is a 300i and I feel I've made the contribution I am capable of making but I'm totally down with RSI accumulating as much money as possible so they can really blow every other game out of the water and give us an experience that is totally uncharted. This game wouldn't be nearly what it is now if the pledges didn't reflect what this kind of the thing costs to get going and judging by the amount of money raised thus far it's pretty obvious that people are excited. I would think people would be psyched about how successful this all is @ this point. Especially among gamers that can appreciate a type of development that avoids cutting corners and a developer who engages their customers the way they do.
Firstly, welcome to Guru3d - it is always good to have newcomers on these forums to chime in and wax lyrical about all things tech. Secondly, you quite obviously have no clue as to how utterly wrong you are, so lets go through your post chunk by chunk and see what we can do to educate you.
Considering this is a hardware site primarily I would think members would be really excited for a game that takes such advantage of hardware and be a bit informed about the game because of the fact that is doing that.
Taking advantage of anything hardware on a hardware forum will only get credit where it is due. This video is a big 'meh' in that specific regard.
As said the trailer is done entirely in-engine w/ added time effects as well as scripted animations etc. What's crazy is (minus the dramatization in the scripting) the maneuvers displayed in the commercial are completely possible to pull off in the game in it's current form. You'd have to be almost super-humanly talented to do it though. I would agree Arena Commander is currently difficult to be good at in comparison to many games but far from boring. What's in Star Citizen currently is only a fraction of what is planned, yet at the same time whats in it is already more fleshed out and polished than I would have ever expected for a game this scale.
I'm looking at the final statement as something which holds quite rotten about this game. The game is a personal project created by someone who did not go to a bank and ask for a loan, but decided to mitigate risk instead by getting free money from the gaming public. Ultimately and rhetorically, who decides when the game is complete? I imagine it will be extremely close to when the free money runs out. The scale of the game is kinda pointless if the game is not any good, and by 'any good' I mean worthy of handing over real money on the finished product, but of course and again, who decides when that day comes?
Also the prices to secure ships are really for the purpose of funding the game because it is entirely CROWD FUNDED without a publisher to screw things up for RSI and thus the players. Once the game is in full swing you'll be able to purchase them with in game credits. All I own is a 300i and I feel I've made the contribution I am capable of making but I'm totally down with RSI accumulating as much money as possible so they can really blow every other game out of the water and give us an experience that is totally uncharted. This game wouldn't be nearly what it is now if the pledges didn't reflect what this kind of the thing costs to get going and judging by the amount of money raised thus far it's pretty obvious that people are excited.
Blow every other game out of the water? That's a PR/Marketing line handed down from the heavens of promotional speaking into the mouths of those at the pig trough of gullibility. Be specific in your statement before saying something so overarching and far-flung as that, unless you really are regurgitating swill. As for people being excited...if you have good marketing speak and free money behind you, you can get people to do and say anything my friend.
I would think people would be psyched about how successful this all is @ this point. Especially among gamers that can appreciate a type of development that avoids cutting corners and a developer who engages their customers the way they do.
There is nothing to get excited about, other than rubbernecking people like you who are overintellectualising something to justify your interest in said something. Overall (and I think you know where I stand at this point) this game is not impressive, and is something someone decided to crowdsource so they didn't have a bank to pay money back to - even though their reputation (what was left of it) should have made it pretty easy to get the $ from a bank or venture capitalist organisation. The guy woke one morning and saw that people had ploughed way more than he ever imagined and made a decision of two possibilities. He could have used the original goal money and release a game once that figure was hit, and use the remainder of the $ to further development and trickle releases of content out to the players of the game, or improve the experience of the live game with REAL facts and figures. He decided on the second choice; use every single penny for the entirety of the development until nothing remains. As he is the sole owner of the IP (and an egotistical one at that) all I am seeing whilst rubbernecking (other than people like you) is someone who would spend 10 years (if the funds permitted) developing this game into their ideal(s) of what they perceive as perfection. You are onboard for the ride, but you have to ask yourself this question: if the basics of the game are in place, why are they spending time on development of stuff which isn't part of those basics? It's a free roaming space game. You got a ship and you got submarine/aquatic/Newtonian physics in space with crosshairs. Don't need much more than that to launch the game, do you? All the additional 'fluff' can be released in due course, surely? Unless there is a complete game, the gaming public simply do not care enough to care enough about it. If a reputable studio had that money, the game would have been released by now, fully completed.