Star Citizen now has raised 404 million USD and is still not available

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I hate covid so much, it not only killed people, but peoples hope and so, they spent even more of that which they did not have to pay those who promised so much hope... You cannot buy happiness, but CR can still buy one hundred and fourteen red Ferraris
Dunno, every patch I log 2-3 dozen hours and enjoy the fuck out of it. Get more fun out of this alpha bugfest then shitty battlefield trash that costs twice as much to buy into.
Bethesda released skyrim in 2011 and keep selling the same game over and over again. You know they started on the elder scrolls 6 not long after skyrim. Probably in the same year 2012, Stll not available...
I don't even remember when I last time had it installed. You could run around in the hangar and fly among asteroids back then, I think. I believe it took Chris Roberts maybe five years to get to that point. On the bright side, I'll never need a new graphics card to play Star Citizen.

Bethesda released skyrim in 2011 and keep selling the same game over and over again. You know they started on the elder scrolls 6 not long after skyrim. Probably in the same year 2012, Stll not available...
No, they haven't even started the work on Elder Scrolls VI. The teaser a few years ago is the only "work" they have put in that project, and it's nothing at all.

Dunno, every patch I log 2-3 dozen hours and enjoy the frack out of it. Get more fun out of this alpha bugfest then shitty battlefield trash that costs twice as much to buy into.
Hows the vulkan renderer progress?
The previous Wing Commander games had a lot of Full motion cut scenes included. I expect the same again this time too. How long that will take is the question. Over 7 years so far...
It was only in June this year Todd Howard said Elder Scrolls 6 was in the early stages of development. That is game probably gonna be something like the end of 2025.
biggest pyramid hox ever made.-.. oh wait NFTs are here.
See, PC Gaming is not dead , you just need to pay.

See, PC Gaming is not dead , you just need to pay.
Haha, so true. In this case to the tune of 404 million.

See, PC Gaming is not dead , you just need to pay.
You've always needed to pay? Lol

Hows the vulkan renderer progress?
They are bringing the Gen12 renderer up before they move to Vulkan. Some elements of Gen12 are online now - ray marching to do clouds for example.. which actually came out really good: [youtube=W1XurjeUG3Q] Still has some artificating but they are working on reducing it. Couple other things use Gen12 but basically next several patches will be moving all the rendering to Gen12. Their reasoning was basically that they could work on moving the Crytech renderer to Vulkan but most of the individual elements aren't setup to use take advantages of modern graphics APIs - so you wouldn't see any benefit. So instead they are rebuilding the elements of the renderer that can take advantage using newer techniques and making sure they don't break stuff in the process. Then after those are done, Vulkan.
Error 404: Game not found

It's simple, as long as stupid keep giving money, the game continuous to be in development.
Wont get released until the money stops flowing in
Have they put the four hundred million dollars into the game or are they actually sitting on four hundred million?

Wont get released until the money stops flowing in
Isn't this what they want? Lol.. I feel like Starcitizen threads are filled with people so completely disconnected from the development that their arguments against the game are literally the same arguments people want from the game. It's bizarre. Like you go ask any person who's dropped 1k+ on starcitizen what they want and they basically want it developed forever. They don't want a game that's finished - they want a constantly evolving slightly arcady space simulation with stupid levels of depth. None of these people are sitting there going "hurr durr i want a finished 1.0 title". That's why the last two years have generated the most income, because they are literally getting what they want.

Have they put the four hundred million dollars into the game or are they actually sitting on four hundred million?
I mean they are probably sitting on some amount of it, it's not like the ~8 or so mill they just got in the past week is spent - but they have 600+ developers working on it and presumably they aren't working for free so.
Nice one @Denial 🙂
I know this game is a meme at this point, but it does really look awesome. I'm not a donator and I don't plan to contribute since who knows if the thing will ever come out, but if it reviews acceptably someday and has an official release I'd definitely consider picking it up. Seems very ambitious and like it could be a good bit of fun at least for awhile. Perhaps I'm too hopeful though, I do like that it has its roots in CryEngine/LumberYard, but now I'm not sure what engine they're using.
404 Game not found.... I really want to play Squadron 42 :<
Sounds like a toxic, abusive relationship that only a legal system can solve, in the court. One should be free to sell a subscription model that comes with some responsibilities, MMORPG-like. One should not be able to just "raise money" infinitely without providing a finished product they first promised.
friend of mine sold all his ships and more than doubled his money. people that say scam look kind of silly.