Rockstar on GTA V Mods States that You should not worry

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This clarification is not helping. Only that I can use mods in singleplayer. Can I use FOV mod in multi or not?
?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!!!!?? Seriously, NO MODS in multiplayer, how is that not clear? I'm seriously not understanding what is so hard to understand.... I'll repeat myself "If your multiplayer experience is different then someone elses multiplayer experience because of something you have done to the game, you deserve to get banned."
The feeling sick from low FOV in firstperson is part of the experience! If you aint getting sick, then your cheating. Lol. I understand that a case can be made that you can see more. But you can already see alot more just by scrolling out in thirdperson. So I don't see the big deal. I'll just hope they make the ingame FOV slider go higher.
It's not PART of the Multiplayer, and that's the point. If Rockstar makes it so the FOV is able to be larger later on, then great, but until then you're modding the multiplayer portion of the game that by default can not go to those values and gives you an unfair advantage (though in reality it wouldn't matter if it were unfair, you're modding something that is SUPPOSED to be the same within what the developers have decided)
They did not say 'don't mod MP', but they said 'use SP mods'. The wording is what I don't get.
Maybe you should calm down. The "NO MODS in multiplayer" is unclear because of the exact thing you just quoted. You are supposed to assume that because they didn't say you can also mod multi, you can only mod SP. Which was never actually said. But, this is also incorrect because they have said you can use mods that change how the game looks in multi... and most people just assume that means you can use SweetFX. Who knows. It's a mess. You're getting awfully defensive. Do you work for R*? lol
"NO MODS in multiplayer"
Cool, you spoke(wrote) it, apparently that means you must understand it, though your post suggests otherwise i'm convinced you understand it. "NO MODS in multiplayer". Simple, so very, very simple.
Wrong again buddy. You show me where in the interview that was said. That's the point, guy. It's not in there. And putting quotes around doesn't make it so. Unless you know something others don't. It goes without saying that the safe and logical thing to do is remove your mods, but a lot of people have been using the FOV mod safely in multi with only a few anecdotal stories about it getting someone banned. I don't where where you get off talking to people like that. Get some sleep or something.
The feeling sick from low FOV in firstperson is part of the experience! If you aint getting sick, then your cheating. Lol. I understand that a case can be made that you can see more. But you can already see alot more just by scrolling out in thirdperson. So I don't see the big deal. I'll just hope they make the ingame FOV slider go higher.
Do you not understand that you can lock a camera to a certain type? aka, if I make a server and lock it to first person and you have a fov mod and I don't, you have an advantage. Jesus, the amount of people who are still questioning this is unreal. It's the simplest thing ever.