NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060 available at the end of February (updated)

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INB4 600eu street price for a mere Palit.(IF you get one.KEK.) I see myself rockin dat vega64 for a long long time... Btw I have been following this site 10 years and finally made an account myself. Me surrounded by gurus! Happy to be here folks! *snif*
I guess, at this crazy moment, 500 euros would be the expected starting price for this card. May it serve the miners well.
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060 available at the end of February... Yeah, sure. 😀
My favorite part is how the 3060 has more RAM than 3060Ti, 3070 and even 3080. I know it won't be faster but that's a big bitchslap in the face of the consumers.
no way. it is gonna be available,but at ridiculous premium. skipping this gen completely.still waiting for my 3080 order from sept,when it arrives I'll sell it for XSX.

My favorite part is how the 3060 has more RAM than 3060Ti, 3070 and even 3080. I know it won't be faster but that's a big bitchslap in the face of the consumers.
not if you understand that 12g on 192-bit 3060 is a gimmick,it will only serve as idle vram cache.3060ti has more usable memory with 8g 256-bit if you're targeting 60 fps. @Fox2232 can explain it better,I don't dare.But from what I understand 12g on this card would only help in cases where you'll be targetting lower fps (higher frametime) I think the main benefit is being able to run a vram heavy game at very low fps on 12g instead of crahing on 8g.once the 3060 has to use that 12g you're getting a slideshow anyway. fox,can you be a sport and calculate how much vram a 3060 12g can use at 45 fps ? I hope I understood you correctly and it has to do with frametimes and bandwidth.
"Available", lol. I like the humor there.
First article I've read today. "Available" hehe, definitely made me laugh.
First price listings put it at the same level as 3060ti. Thats just silly.

INB4 600eu street price for a mere Palit.(IF you get one.KEK.) I see myself rockin dat vega64 for a long long time... Btw I have been following this site 10 years and finally made an account myself. Me surrounded by gurus! Happy to be here folks! *snif*
Same here. Seeing my self how much of an extremely good purchase my 1660 Super was for 210 Euros, there's no way I'm gonna pay triple that price for 3060. I could justify a price up to 310-320 euros.
a·vail·a·ble /əˈvāləb(ə)l/ adjective able to be used or obtained; at someone's disposal. "rtx 3060 will be available all afternoon" : present or ready for immediate use available resources. : accessible, obtainable rtx 3060 available in any store. Great...about time they released a product with plenty of stock.
You forgot to put available in quotes.
February of which year, 2022 ? Price will be 700 just wait and see.

I guess, at this crazy moment, 500 euros would be the expected starting price for this card. May it serve the miners well.
Don't worry GTX 2770 and GTX 2660 cards are coming without ray tracing and dlss support for a more affordable 300$ USD and 400$ USD. I don't regret buying my 5700XT one year ago. It was supposed to be a stop gap 3k res card while waiting for RTX 3k and i had buyer remorse with all the early bugs but it's slowly turning out to be one of the best purchase i ever made. 2070 Super level of performance for 200$ CAD less money and at this rate i'll be able to sell it for more money than i paid for it.
na, let them release whatever they want. pressing the last drop out out of the stone ^^.. i deffintely wait for the new 'mcm' tech cards. no matter what .. ;-)
All nvidia's rtx 30 series is just science fiction, no real product yet 'available' out there Nice nvidia... keep dreaming your science fiction product...

Don't worry GTX 2770 and GTX 2660 cards are coming without ray tracing and dlss support for a more affordable 300$ USD and 400$ USD. I don't regret buying my 5700XT one year ago. It was supposed to be a stop gap 3k res card while waiting for RTX 3k and i had buyer remorse with all the early bugs but it's slowly turning out to be one of the best purchase i ever made. 2070 Super level of performance for 200$ CAD less money and at this rate i'll be able to sell it for more money than i paid for it.
I'm starting to regret, a little bit, not ordering a 3060 Ti on day one. I might already have it, and while expensive, it would have been cheaper than the current, ridiculous prices.
$ 329 ? Hahaha 3060ti is already listed for 950 - 999.27 $ here. So yeah... It will be at least 750-850 range. Crazy. https://i.imgur.com/u0UAria.png Meanwhile Nvidia Geforce NOW is getting bigger and bigger. https://blogs.nvidia.com/blog/2021/01/21/geforce-now-alliance-pentanet/ I believe GPU prices will go way higher at next series and will stay there, this is a big opportunity for Nvidia (also AMD > they have Stadia and consoles) to raise prices. Not only Gpu prices but also mainboards and other pc components will go higher possibly. This is not an issue for rich people but for people like me it is a disaster. And no this is not only about miners and tariffs. Sad.
Meanwhile a setup for mining made according to the creator "just to annoy gamers": To add insult to injury "the case" is a BMW... https://i.imgur.com/yi4h2xK.jpg
"Why did you punch that guy in the face?" Has never once been asked about ^this guy. What an obvious douche.
More BS cards we can not buy. Do not see the point any more in reviewing cards anymore as we can not get them.