New Windows 10 Build reveals a new start menu and improved Alt-Tab feature

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For those that hate the stupid nonsense windows 10 start menu (its look, its structure, those infantile colored tiles):
The tile are not that colored but uniform on the last Windows 10 versions, I changed that with Windows Tile Color Changer which also can be used if a tile comes with a forced color. The alphabetical menu is indeed annoying coming from being used to sort everything in custom order.
wavetrex: It's just $3.99, and has a 30-day trial mode for those that want to make sure they want to spend the equivalent of two cups of coffee... Edit: Ah, or Start10, seems to be very similar... both in usage and price.
Or Open Shell for free
I'll stick with Classic Start Menu.
Can't they just implement smtg like classic / open shell so you can just use the interface u like best, win7 etc, win10 start is just awful ....

You do realize that Desktop is just another computer directory, and it can have sub-directories (sub-folders) in it, and themselves can have sub-sub-dirs... and so on. Those folders can be customized to show any icon you want. You can have a literal million icons "on the desktop" with only one being actually visible. Here's an example of my totally clean desktop with one icon in it:
Inside, more folders (as well as shortcuts, quick notes, whatever I need (Media, Tools, Work, World, WTX) are all folders with customized icons. And this is a basic Explorer window, so it STAYS OPEN when I open it, unlike the Start menu, as well as any other secondary folder windows in it. You know what's more fun ? It's not even on the desktop itself. The "Icon" on the desktop is just a shortcut to a folder which is safely and securely placed somewhere else, so if I accidentally delete it, no harm done, my entire structure stays intact. Just the shortcut icon needs to be rebuilt. Start menu is SO CLUMSY, especially Windows 10 one, couldn't find anything in that alphabet soup... p.s. The start button is from Startisback which I linked earlier... this is a totally new Windows 10 v2004
I never search through start menu visually. I always press key and type what I am looking for.
That's assuming you remember how it's named. Maybe you do... but... *Newsflash* Not everyone likes to fill their mind with hundreds or thousands of program and file names ! Some of us just know without thinking "I'm keeping it in that box and it's orange", and that's enough. Do you also press a magical + Search to locate an item in your house ? Or you just know in which room it is and in which drawer you left it... if you understand my analogy...
Windows 10. The single-worst operating system release I've ever experienced. It's worse than Vista by a long-shot and worse than Windows ME because at-least you could avoid Windows ME and had alternatives like Win 2000 or XP near the time it came out, if Windows 98 wasn't good enough for you. While I certainly don't miss the days of General Protection Fault BSODs locking the machine up... I still can't help but feel like I am drowning without arms when trying to use stock Windows 10. It's not even the forced updates that's the biggest pain in the butt, it's things like the general interface, and even windows popping up over-top of everything I'm doing (every time my internet bugs out - which is multiple times an hour, steam friends list pops over what I'm doing - winamp ends up popping up for no reason, etc). It really enjoys messing up my work flow. This doesn't even touch on all the data stealing it does ('telemetry'). It took me WEEKS to figure out how to take out everything that Windows 10 changed from the days of Windows 2000 / Windows 98 SE and put it back to the way it was. Where's my 'my computer' icon or other things I need shortcuts for? No, can't have those by default can we? Had to put that back manually. Every computer in the house has a broken copy of 'Photos' for Windows, the thing that lets you preview graphics without using the folder windows to do it. Why did folders start organizing by date groups, when I click 'sort by name' instead of you know, sorting by name which I wanted??? I had to shut that off multiple times. The start menu is damn near useless on Windows 10, instead giving me this stuff that looks like a modern overpriced cell phone. I don't need a picture book you stupid machine, I'm not 5 years old. The words with a little icon did fine for the last 25 years, what's so bad about it today? Some September or October update for Windows 10 caused it to add 3 minutes to almost every boot time for no reason, which just went away finally yesterday when I had to update the BIOS on my x570 board before updating to the new Ryzen 3950x processor I got at a decent discount. So lots of configuring, a copy of Windowblinds and a Windows 98 theme, Start10 (or the free classic shell will work too), and I have this thing mostly fixed up, but I still absolutely hate Windows 10 and won't be updating any more machines to it. If I can't do it on Linux with the other machines, then I don't need the machine for it. Taking away the classic 3d interface for this white-text-on-headache-inducing eye-straining black backgrounds is awful, especially sitting in-front of a 40" screen which I do my CAD stuff on here. Some people just resist change for the sake of resisting it. Some people don't want to change if they don't need to. Some people were just happy with Windows 95/98/2000, which by the Windows 2000 days was slick and smooth and did everything you needed of it. So, my machine looking like Windows 95/98/2000, I think I'll be getting back to content creation now. I've never hated a new version of Windows this much. In-fact I think I'd rather be on a copy of Windows 3.11 for Workgroups, with Win32's installed, in-stead of this - just like my AM486 PC had in 1994.