Netflix explains how it will be reducing bandwidth by 25% (same resolution, lower bitrate)

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Odd this is coming to the UK when our ISPs have come out and said there should be no need for this, BT came out couple days ago and said there is plenty of capacity. Said normally about 5 Tbps, which has gone up to 7.5 Tbps, but far from the highest recorded at 17.5 Tbps, so the capacity is there. I'm sure other countries might need this, but here in the UK seems unneeded, and assume no one is going to get any money back on the poorer quality of the streams. "But you will still get the video quality you paid for." Don't get this sentence, they're lower the bitrate which means it would be lower quality even if the resolution is the same, so customers would not get the same quality right?
Then they should reduce cost of monthly sub! Tey using corona excuse to fuck us over, save some money and get free publicity like this.
Ironically, I see people's internet take a hit here and there, but their connections have been crap in the first place. I don't see a need to throttle this tbh, and I do not get what I paid for just a month ago... they are reducing their offering for the same money, and I'm almost certain they won't "up" the bitrate after this all has passed anyway.
I mean when i chose netflix i do not remember being offered a particular bitrate. The only option was fullHD or 4k. So i do not see the `what i paid for` rant. They have been ASKED to reduce, and they are reducing. What is actually the bitrate you paid for? and how are you saying is not given to you? Also better netflix making some tweaks for a period, rather than ISP applying metering to connections fucking up everything.

Then they should reduce cost of monthly sub! Tey using corona excuse to frack us over, save some money and get free publicity like this.
Stupid+paranoid is deadly combo.
"Stupid+paranoid" EU politans asked for this. yup. Any service that pulls this crap here in the states can say goodbye to me as a customer. This is knee jerk BS.
Netflix should lower the cost by the same amount in those countries that are affected by the lowered quality of service. Also I know a lot of countries in the EU have crap internet to begin with and ISPs who can't deliver what they sell *cough* Vodafone. I don't know about the US, but from what I understand AT&T, Comcast and Verizon's data caps are low and neither can deliver.
I'm in North America so this doesn't apply to me (yet), but I don't think it matter that much. Maybe it's just me but I've never been impressed with Netflix's 4K content in terms of image quality.
And digital is better than physical.... Yeah no. I will be watching my favorites in 4K (always) with the best sound at all times during this shut-in we have here in MI.

I'm in North America so this doesn't apply to me (yet), but I don't think it matter that much. Maybe it's just me but I've never been impressed with Netflix's 4K content in terms of image quality.
You should check out Disney+'s Dolby Vision setup on there. It is very nice. Mandalorian looks seriously epic to say the least....
a few numbers related to the topic, average values, keep in mind streaming services can reduce the bitrates and then you'll get 1/4 of the numbers below web stream 4K movie : 24Gbs bluray 4K movie : 70Gbs web stream HD movie : 4Gbs bluray HD movies : 25Gbs one single true atmos language track : 4,5Gbs (idiotic size for audio, is it like denuvo doom eternal ? 300/370mbs of DRM ?) also useful, most 4K movies are actually done in 2K because of rendering times (worst case scenario 30+hours for 1 frame of a 24 frames/s movie) easy way to guess, the more CGI there is the more likely it's 2K, the latest marvels typically look super blurry compared to an "oldie" 4K remaster
It's a load of bull**** In the UK the ISPs have plainly said the traffic is nowhere near peak levels and they're fine, yet Netflix and Amazon have reduced it anyway. They're doing it to save money and so that the average clueless person sees it and thinks "how thoughtful of them". Cancelled both subscriptions and paid a small amount for a seedbox instead, this way I get better quality for less money. Not giving my money to liars and people profiting from the virus!!
@asturur its stupid to do so. so far, i havent seen something that looked better with the next higher res, but reduced bitrate. having video at lets say 2-6gb/file, i rather watch it in 720p with high bitrate than 1080 and less. @kakiharaFRS not sure where you got those numbers, but 4K/UHD is 150Mb/s max, QHD is 130Mb/s, 1080p 50Mb/s. file/disc size does NOT equal bitrate (4K BD is 50-100GB, BD is 25-50GB.
As someone who don't give a rats ass about streaming services, I thank them for doing this. I have D120/U12 connection but have been experiencing short period cuts that are annoying and makes playing games impossible.
I expected to read something about AV1. "We've reduced bandwidth by reducing video quality" Thanks Netflix.

It's a load of bull**** In the UK the ISPs have plainly said the traffic is nowhere near peak levels and they're fine, yet Netflix and Amazon have reduced it anyway.
Same thing here in The Netherlands. ISPs here claimed a rise of 25% in internet usage, but nowhere near bandwith limitations. I'm also wondering at which hours these extra 25% took place, since my guess would be during daytime, while evening useage would likely have remained similar, or maybe slightly higher. Maybe it's problematic in places where most people are used to connecting through cellphone networks? In my opinion this is a solution for a problem which didn't really exist in the first place. Visually "HD" videos look 'fine' still, but 4K/HDR ones are obviously affected by this measurement. On a side note: hadn't the UK officially left the EU not that long ago? Did somebody forget to tell Netflix that some French dude no longer holds any power over you?
I would be surprised if many people even noticed the bit rate drop, the majority of people who use streaming services do it for convenience not quality. My wife thinks i'm daft as we pay for Netflix and Prime, but i still download the file separately so i can run the file through MadVR etc.. so thankfully i won't be affected by this for any shows that are only on streaming services.
@Redemption80 dont know about Netflix, but prime is about 7GB/h @1080p, so pretty decent and iirc a bit more than N. cant measure @4K (QHD moni). @Silva lol, what has that to do with gaming? we have 75DL with about 5 -7 dev connected at all times, usually 1-2 tv streaming, and i have no problems when it comes to connection (9ms ping test, 9ms to game server, 9-15ms in-game) without even using Q&S. And it was the same when i had 25/5, so not sure how you talk about BW impacting your Latency.
fry178, as much as i would prefer it was higher i wasn't complaining about the bitrate, i just like my own media players. Based on less than legal solutions though, i do think Prime is higher.
It's not BS if everyone is forced into lock down. My ISP is warning of 1/2 bandwidth. From my usual 80/20 down to 40/10. They haven't done it yet but certain times the web is gonna be getting hammered from all sides. It's just a warning if the UK systems are stressed to near capacity.