Microsoft Releases Standards for Secure Windows 10 Devices

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M$ is here concerned with two things only: disabling the use of pirated window$, and being able to sneak-peek into the people's PCs, hand in hand with NSA & co...
It doesnt consider the main issue, keeping MS out of my PC. Data still isnt secure, it leaks out.
Microsoft specifically recommends an Intel Kaby Lake processor.....for security....and a TPM module... What good is that TPM module going to do when IME gets compromised? Or IF MS gets hacked? Or if Facebook, Twitter, Google, etc get hacked? Didn't know a TPM module could encrypt all that data that is mined from our computers, while it's stored on servers all over the world.... Shit....let me go enable my TPM module so my next upgrade is just as much a PITA as the last was....
micro$hitting and throwing dust into our eyes, that's all they do (and ever did)...