Microsoft Fall 2020 Windows 10 Update will Push Edge Browser as Default Option

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Where does it even talk about the default browser changing? The linked MS blog seems to make no mention of it. It just says that it'll include the new Edge for everyone - which isn't surprising, MS wants to kill the old Edge afterall, which is also on everyones PC and doesn't interfer with your other browsers.
I still like IE; the plug-in configuration still works well with my password manager. That said, I do use Edge in some circumstances. But I do not want to have Edge forced on me!
Been using Edge Chromium for atleast 10 months now, it's a great browser.
Is not a matter if the browser is better or not neither if it just updates the browser to their latest version all those are fine , the issue would be if it changes to default browser without asking you, even if it is the superior browser users that know what they are doing they never appreciate such thing, but i guess Microsoft is betting that the people that will not be able to even notice will give em a boost to the marketshare. And yes is easy to change it back to the browser of your liking .... But how can people be fine with ms going on and changing your settings with out asking you ?