GTA V servers for PC had downtime due to large influx of players

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GTA's servers are so fragile they almost always go down when any kind of big event happens.

GTA's servers are so fragile they almost always go down when any kind of big event happens.
Playing one of the new heists shortly after release a few years ago, you know the ones linked to the bunker, the lazy one that just has forever spawning enemies in lew of actual gameplay and difficulty design. Anyway half way through this me and my team were bunkered down waiting for whatever boring timed event to happen to happen, it was pretty tough going as it was new we weren't sure what we should be doing and it's a pretty ropey and dull mission set in a real pain in the a*s level. Anyway I sneezed and the Rcokstar servers went down. The match making is a joke, The lobby design is embarrassing The way it handles players connecting to a game is nothing short of awful (gotta love sitting endlessly looking at the sky because someone joining the game timed out, better yet no way to quit other than reset, pull the ethernet cable or just wait and pray) The freeplay lobbies still suffer from connection issues that were there on day one In fact you would think with 6billion dollars made and 7 years they would have done something, anything with the lobby design, match making, QOL issues when the game goes, sorry does, go wrong but nope nothing it's all exactly the same as it was on day one. Oh sorry no one thing that has changed is their support services... it got much much worse! I am guessing 4 or 5, maybe 10 new PC players tried to join GTAO and it was just to much for the servers to handle.
I don't know WTF they expected to happen. I mean the download alone for the game was about 90GB !!! It took me about half a day and overnight to finish that download. Once that was done there was a very painful process of signing up to all the crap "Epic Games Launcher" and then "Rockstar Social Club", whatever the hell that is... with the most painful "are you a robot?" Recaptcha I have ever seen which kept sending me on a five minute process through many, many "how many traffic lights do you see" type crap. Never happened to me on any other Recaptcha site. Noticed the down site saying it was down: But I didn't have trouble starting it. Finally got game running for a few minutes. Then left it.
Meanwhile Rockstar, activision blizzard, THQ among others remove their games from geforce now. Preventing millions of users to play their purchased games on a rented gaming computer... I do not care anymore about these greedy publishers anymore..
Other than reduce download speed , enjoying single player
Big influx of ERR_GFX_D3D_INIT yet?
I just answered like 20 RCaptchas but now i'm in. First time since 3 days ago. I would start the launcher but it wouldn't even show up, just a black screen. Idiots.
Yeah I heard so by a friend too, yesterday. He's not the most gaming affine person, but he downloaded the origin launcher because he wanted GTA5. So he made an account, downloaded and started it... then got GTA5. And then it hit him... he needed to have R* social club account as well, so he made that too, but he noted he found it stupid to need two. While claiming he spent two hours doing captchas yesterday. Probably exaggerated, but that annoyed him as well. In the end he wasn't very happy with the process. But... a noob's take on PC gaming in a nutshell. Gladly, I played this game a long time before I needed Epic's launcher for that, and a long time before it was crowded like this, and a long time ago I still was able to pay for my copy so I wouldn't have to bother with all of this for a seven (7) year old game.