Google to turn on two-step verification for 150 million accounts

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Sneaky. Google will have a huge database of phone numbers, from which they will extract so much data you wouldn't believe. Your phone number gives Google so much more. Use a different authentication, like Authy and turn your back to Google's promises of better security.

In various ways , if your activities are deemed harmful to the government even ban you from using any kind of fast transportation services or banking ! Dear lord save your soul if you make fun of whinny the ping ! Yeah nsa etc spy on too but being out rising middle finger to your government has no negative effects towards you as far the crowd you are with does not get violent and start actively breaking the law .... Roaming around forum talking against your government with out backlash other than arguing with other people is already proof you enjoy freedom of speech something that is not true to ANY authoritarian regime china is not an exception.
I'm European, living in Europe. My country's secret services and police collaborate with NATO. We hosted illegal dark CIA bases here. The USA and EU have an insane influence over our politics, they even dare to keep us hostage on social and cultural issues. China has ZERO influence over us and my data belonging to the CCP is meaningless. The CCP has no collaborations with the police here. No data exchanges. I am fine with a "rival enemy" country having my data, compared to the "friendly" EU and US. It's really not that hard to understand why. I can insult Xi all I want. Nobody will care. I can also insult the CCP. I can cry about HK independence and moan how Taiwan is numba wan. None of this is relevant, because I am a European living in Europe. But if I talk negatively about specific groups of people here, in Europe, the police can come arrest me and charge me for my online behavior. OUR police. Not the Chinese. OUR states do this to us.
if @toyo is right, then he is right.

I'm European, living in Europe. My country's secret services and police collaborate with NATO. We hosted illegal dark CIA bases here. The USA and EU have an insane influence over our politics, they even dare to keep us hostage on social and cultural issues. China has ZERO influence over us and my data belonging to the CCP is meaningless. The CCP has no collaborations with the police here. No data exchanges. I am fine with a "rival enemy" country having my data, compared to the "friendly" EU and US. It's really not that hard to understand why. I can insult Xi all I want. Nobody will care. I can also insult the CCP. I can cry about HK independence and moan how Taiwan is numba wan. None of this is relevant, because I am a European living in Europe. But if I talk negatively about specific groups of people here, in Europe, the police can come arrest me and charge me for my online behavior. OUR police. Not the Chinese. OUR states do this to us.
I went and re-read your first statement , the way i understood it the first time was that you where hopping things where like they are in china . So i completely missunderstood and i am an adult i can see when i was wrong ! Sorry mate! What kind of surprised me was that you can get arrested for things you said ... I might be spoiled here in Greece except if you actively threaten someone i do not think there is a chance in hell anyone will knock on your door for what ever you said around here.

I went and re-read your first statement , the way i understood it the first time was that you where hopping things where like they are in china . So i completely missunderstood and i am an adult i can see when i was wrong ! Sorry mate! What kind of surprised me was that you can get arrested for things you said ... I might be spoiled here in Greece except if you actively threaten someone i do not think there is a chance in hell anyone will knock on your door for what ever you said around here.
Try posting a load of stuff on Twitter and Facebook about how Turkey should control all of Cyprus. Google could use email for 2fa but I bet they don't offer me that. They want the phone numbers, I'm convinced this not all about security. If Google wont let me use my youtube account without giving them my phone number, so be it. I can live without a Youtube account.
i not against 2 step verification but very very few of those if ANY have my cell number. and I have zero interested in handing out my cell number for such things. most that 2 step verification is done via email. what pissed me off was MS and there outlook system I had email with them for as long as i could remeber and almost never use there web based client till i no longer could access those emails, just to find out i had to log in to the webclient and PROVIDE phone number just to get access to that email again, cause they complete removed the email verification way. If google goes that root I will just abandoned there email a email i had for past 25+ years I will not hand out my cell number for such functions. I went from use land number for all my phone number be contacted at to hand my cell number out to maybe 12 places in less then years time since that I went from ZERO spam calls and only people that called me which only family and friends to have 10+ spam calls week week in that time. before handing the number out i had no spam calls

I went from use land number for all my phone number be contacted at to hand my cell number out to maybe 12 places in less then years time since that I went from ZERO spam calls and only people that called me which only family and friends to have 10+ spam calls week week in that time. before handing the number out i had no spam calls
I would love to only get 10 "spam" calls in a week.... As it stands, I get more than 10 "spam" calls in a week about my car's warranty expiring.... Btw, while we're here. I feel this strange need to warn you that your car's warranty is about to expire and you should consider buying an extended warranty to protect yourself from the high repair prices....

I would love to only get 10 "spam" calls in a week.... As it stands, I get more than 10 "spam" calls in a week about my car's warranty expiring.... Btw, while we're here. I feel this strange need to warn you that your car's warranty is about to expire and you should consider buying an extended warranty to protect yourself from the high repair prices....
ya i am aware some people are worse off my uncles cell and landlines get 5x times that in week. And those "calls" about my car warrenty is expriring funny, i dont even own car o_O i also love the random Chinese calls i get and they leave voice mails hahah I randomly answer these spam call and proceed to ask them what car? cause i dont own one they hang up after that

Try posting a load of stuff on Twitter and Facebook about how Turkey should control all of Cyprus. Google could use email for 2fa but I bet they don't offer me that. They want the phone numbers, I'm convinced this not all about security. If Google wont let me use my youtube account without giving them my phone number, so be it. I can live without a Youtube account.
I will still not be arrested i might get spammed from other people with death threats or fb and Twitter take my post down .... But i am firm no arrests will happen . Also no way i will ever say that 😛 . I get where you are getting with it though. I think you are underestimating how far behind the times is the greek government when it comes to tech! As things are right now event if they wanted to arrest people for Twitter posts...most likely they can't.