Google Exploit Announcements put customer at potential risk says Microsoft

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Are Windows 7 updates fixed by chance? I have had W7 updates disabled for the last 6 months.. and would re-enable if it happens to be functioning again..
Windows Update works just fine in Windows 7. My laptop has had no problems.
Google hates Microsoft because that's the only real competitor they have. Apple is slowly going the way of the dodo, meanwhile Microsoft stuff seem to be even more innovative than Apple stuff. Apple is dead (in the long run), the only thing remaining between Google and total global domination is Microsoft.
Google...or domination...that's almost like picking between Trump and Clinton.... I don't see why Google can't wait a bit longer prior to publishing exploits.
No, it means you shouldn't use Win10 but most sensible people know that already 😉
The sensible, non tin foil hat wearing people, ARE using Windows 10.
Really a dickhead move by Google.
Google...or domination...that's almost like picking between Trump and Clinton.... I don't see why Google can't wait a bit longer prior to publishing exploits.
I completely get what you mean, but to my defense, Google has been much friendlier to Apple than to Microsoft.
I don't really get what people are so upset about. Sure, Google didn't have to publicly release the info on how to exploit this, but I see it as a good thing since it puts pressure on MS to get it fixed. If this was just some small hack that only a handful of people knew about, MS would probably take their time. But since it's a big deal and is already exploited, MS needs to be on their toes. But guess what - Google is a customer of MS, too. They have their own users with Windows-based PCs and they want what's best for their employees. So yeah, I don't think it was all that unreasonable for Google to be pushy about this. Also, I wouldn't say Chrome can be so readily comparable to Windows. But if you're going to point out vulnerabilities from web browsers, why stop at Chrome? The finger can be pointed right back at MS regarding Edge. When it comes to a feature-complete web browser, vulnerabilities are inevitable. It is virtually impossible to stop every single one without the browser becoming a chore to use or too limited.
I dont think this good idea on googles part a Browser is far cry from an OS exploit why would out there own issues with there own os then not doing so makes them look like hypocrites.
Google has allowed vulnerabilities to exist in Android since Gingerbread. Yet, they never announce to the world that the vulnerabilities, which they've known about for several years now, have not been fixed...