Folding@Home: Client Update Now Includes Option to Prioritise COVID-19 Projects

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Only 178 RTX2080Ti ? That's really dissapointing, I see everywhere comments like "umagash I have my ayymd vii and thredriper to folder@home non stop plus my bicicle to work for kuwait-19" xd is this a new trend to flex and lie that you're giving your resources?
Don't. Just don't/
Come on... this trend became the most trolling in guru3d So you blame scientist but praise chip engineers... funny and worrying at the same time.

Nice, a wiseguy calling out the "irony" and looking like a champ in the process ... as if you had anything to contribute. it's not worth replying to these posts - I'm not even sure if I should address the misconceptions or not. The post was more so for a mod to pop up and clean this thread up as it already went to hell. Oh, nevermind, more garbage.
Still not sure what you're on about.... The idea of this going to shite is an opinion you came with and brought nothing else to the table, so yeah... do whatever for whatever reason. Become a Mod I guess if this is something you're interested in.
That's funny, just set this up on Saturday and had it running the last couple of days. Interesting point about GPU thought... been running it on my CPU so might switch and see if its beneficial.
waste of processing power. the disease is more about politics than anything else. even if a cure was found using this project, which is unlikely, it will go unused. have fun kidding yourself if you think otherwise.
what virus ? did someone isolate it yet ? great .. plz show me the picture.

what virus ? did someone isolate it yet ? great .. plz show me the picture.
Isolate a virus so widely spread is quite easy... is something many countries arround the world have already done, please inform yourself: First example found in a search...
well im not talking fancy cgi footage. ;-) but thx anyway maybe its the same like aids.. one day they will find it ^^ im not wasting my resources power/money on this. but good luck to you guys, maybe it helps to get mandatory vaccination in faster. i did ud back in 2000, ended up with nothing. hell knows what these cooperations are doing with the resources.
Guys, if you have no interest in contributing to Folding@Home or any other distributed computing project, stay out of related threads. Trolling these threads doesn't make you appear any more intelligent. It actually makes you look ignorant.....

well im not talking fancy cgi footage. ;-) but thx anyway maybe its the same like aids.. one day they will find it ^^ im not wasting my resources power/money on this. but good luck to you guys, maybe it helps to get mandatory vaccination in faster. i did ud back in 2000, ended up with nothing. hell knows what these cooperations are doing with the resources.
The Folding@Home project is run by Stanford University. Not some corporation. No corporation has direct access to Folding@Home or the data returned by users. The data is evaluated by Pande Labs, which is part of Stanford University Medical School, research papers are then drafted and published by members of Pande Labs.

Its amazing the power scientists have at their disposal today. Pity they can't do anything with that power. Did any of these seti@home and folder@home projects solved anything in all of these years? I think the real problem is lack of brain power not compute power. No brilliant scientists available on a time we most need them.
SETI@Home is and has always been a waste of time and money. Since it's inception, SETI has accomplished nothing of real value. They have yet to actually find "extra-terrestrial intelligence"....which is the sole purpose of search for "extra-terrestrial intelligence".... It's been 60+ years of failure....
all research is based "intention" to find answer now people that saying "it's waste of processing power" ... if u have that mindset so in our life, i bet most of us, trying to get comfortable life, ie. being rich etc. but whether we can achieve that or not, no one know u might can try hard, give everything in ur life but give u nothing in return, everyday like living in hell but most of time, u get something in return, probably not what u expecting, such experience which then give progress to achieve what u after, even without u realizing it but now ur if mindset, "we waste energy to try to be rich ... we wont be rich even try our best" so its urself that decide to be poor, good luck in ur life with that mindset also one thing i want to ask now u say "it's waste of processing power" .... then do u have better idea to contribute ? what u already contribute to humanity/this-world so far?
i dont care about all this nonsens anymore, like i said, i was using UNITED DEVICES . were you even born back then ? so plz. also im not trying to troll, just giving my thought. been there, done this, wont do it again. good luck to you guys, its not my power. searching for somthing that dosent exist in my opinion ? well thats what i call a waste. no picture no evidence. just one question. how much co2 does this produce? so i do something good by saving the enviorment ! thats my contribution ps.: that uni is a privatly owned and run. who owns it ? oh ex microsoft ceo is in there shame on me

i dont care about all this nonsens anymore, like i said, i was using UNITED DEVICES . were you even born back then ? so plz. also im not trying to troll, just giving my thought. been there, done this, wont do it again. good luck to you guys, its not my power. searching for somthing that dosent exist in my opinion ? well thats what i call a waste. no picture no evidence. just one question. how much co2 does this produce? so i do something good by saving the enviorment ! thats my contribution ps.: that uni is a privatly owned and run. who owns it ? oh ex microsoft ceo is in there shame on me
You claim you're not here to troll, but that's literally all you're doing..... If you don't want to help, that's fine. You don't have to act like a douchebag.... If you had no interest in helping, there was absolutely zero reason for you to post in this thread to begin with. Only trolls post in threads that don't concern them.
yes i get it, opinions not wanted. /closed