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Sorry to say this, but Enermax is CRAP. Had a water cooler produced by them and after 5 month it began leaking fluid onto other parts in my setup. So I would stay away from these products which Enermax are making 🙂
Even some Corsair AIOs had some leakages in some systems in the past and now they seem to be the best. Of course that once it leaked you can never trust that company again.

Sorry to say this, but Enermax is CRAP. Had a water cooler produced by them and after 5 month it began leaking fluid onto other parts in my setup. So I would stay away from these products which Enermax are making 🙂
"Oh no I had one single product from a company that failed on me after 5 months! This must mean everything that company makes is terrible and will all fail within 5 months...." /sarcasm I personally have never used Enermax stuff so I have no opinion either way on their quality, but I HATE people that have a single bad experience with a company or product and then start trashing it and telling everyone to steer clear, I have had 2 corsair AIO's die on me and only one Coolermaster AIO die on me but I would still recommend corsair over Coolermaster as they have better warranty and from systems sold to others and general online feedback they appear to be the more reliable brand even though I personally have had worse luck with them. Oh and here is a great one, I have had a Noctua fan burn out on me after just 3 months! I have never had a Coolermaster fan die on me though that must mean those cheapie coolermaster fans are far superior to the Noctua fans right?.... right?! I have said it before, a sample size of one is pretty much worthless for reliable info on a product, hell depending on what you are looking at you might only start seeing meaningful data on reliability after looking at sample sizes in the hundreds. Again I will point out I haven't used Enermax products so I don't really have any info on how reliable they are, a bit of a google search does seem to show that some Enermax AIO's seem to have an issue with getting gunked up after 6 months or so reducing their cooling capacity, not sure if that's an isolated issue with just one model or batch of a model or not though and I will also point out some people have had issues with corsair and coolermaster AIO's also gunking up after they have been used for a long time, generally after at least a year or more use. If you are basing your dislike of Enermax off researched info like what I just found and its actually a widespread issue (not an isolated issue with a batch or a single model) then fair enough, if however you solely based it off your single experienced failure that's some pretty faulty logic there and you might want to re evaluate how you look at things, cause that's a good way of cheating yourself out of using potentially good gear (see my example of the failed Noctua fan above).

"I have had a Noctua fan burn out on me after just 3 months! I have never had a Coolermaster fan die on me though that must mean those cheapie coolermaster fans are far superior to the Noctua fans right?.... right?!.
Man... you have very bad luck with cooling parts, or many many cooling parts.. now on topic, i really like white parts, +1 for Enermax (a friend of mine have a PSU from them.. now it must have like 7-8 years working.. computer parts sometimes random fail)
So 500w+ is just for 360mm rad, or smaller 240/280 as well? I was about to buy ekwb mlc Phoenix but then canceled my order, googled around and I saw some compatibility issues with my current case and not in the mood to refill it or worry about air building inside.
my enermax noistaker 480w died after 14 years of service. My enermax 10 years warranty died after 6 ( did not manage to get a swap because i had no idea where the purchase proof was ) random failures/leakage happen.

Man... you have very bad luck with cooling parts, or many many cooling parts.. now on topic, i really like white parts, +1 for Enermax (a friend of mine have a PSU from them.. now it must have like 7-8 years working.. computer parts sometimes random fail)
Bit of both really, only owned 4 noctua fans and had the bad luck of one dying about 3 months after I got them so bad luck for that, but I have used many many many AIO's in my own personal systems and friends systems I built as we all have been long time PC enthusiasts and do major upgrades every 3 years or so, I personally like to muck about with changing cases sometimes as well when I get tired with the look of my system and often that involves changing the cooling setup to fit the new case as well, so yeah I got a wall of coolers above my workbench mostly air coolers but quite a few AIO's now too. Had super crazy good luck with my coolermaster fans though... currently have around 16 coolermaster fans in builds and another 6 or so in storage and none have died on me some of them are getting quite old at this point too (over 4 years for some) which from talking to some of the guys at my local PC store is pretty unusual, normally would expect a few failures as they aren't the best fans in the world. I do use better quality fans in builds I expect to stay the same and in use for years and years especially if I know the people I sell them to wont be doing regular maintenance, generally go for the higher end corsair fans (like the maglev ones), or noctua fans in those cases.