Call of Duty To Return Back To its Original Format

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MW2 is my top. Then MW, BO3, then MW3. The rest are....Poppycock.
MW2 is my top. Then MW, BO3, then MW3. The rest are....Poppycock.
Nooooooooooo. COD4 was where it all changed for me, up until then i had zero interest in online gaming.
This, is what happens when you let marketing people do your game design. They do a survey of a target audience and bully the game designer to make a game based on the results of it. What we therefore can tell is the marketing team they used came from "toyz r us" and asked 5 year olds what they thought was 'cool' and the majority said "Spaaaaaaaace" before learning to wipe and having an afternoon nap. They then took the marketing information to the game designers office, and with the full backing of the CEO on the golf course, made one of the dumbest FPS games ever. What was that one they launched with on the Xbox one? The one with the 'realistic' Dog? You just frickin' know that was another marketing choice, where the marketeers surveyed mothers of children and asked them what would make them happy about their child playing an FPS, and guess what? That's right, the majority said the game had to have a Pet of some kind in it, because they had pets themselves. Meanwhile, GTA5 just went past the $4,000,000,000 mark, and their game lets you murder prostitutes...and marketing people. There are lessons there...
It seems that customers are the greatest hurdles to any kind of innovation these days.
lol, innovation?
I haven't regularly played a COD game since COD2. I played the campaign for COD4 and that was it for me. Still waiting for the Steam versions of COD1 and 2 to go on a 75% off sale.
Lol,,,..... "Target Audience".... One thing that they did not assess...... ------------------------
lol, innovation?
Yes. Whenever something different is being tried out, a bunch of people come out screaming. We would be still with DOS playing Zork if everybody listened to the audience all the time.
I'll just keep waiting for them to use a new engine....
This is what happens when you kill off Cpt Price.
In America its also another word for a fart
Or slang for a chick...
Yes. Whenever something different is being tried out, a bunch of people come out screaming. We would be still with DOS playing Zork if everybody listened to the audience all the time.
Yup.... the bi-polar gaming crowd who demand both that 1980's Centipede and 2017's Criminal Girls: Invite Only run flawless...then biatch about legacy software and bloat on Windows...
CoD should "remaster" "World at War" and call it a day. of just up grade the graphics of WaW and leave the rest alone.
I'm sorry.... but am i the only one who read that article and thought that it seems like our buddy Hilbert went from being perfectly sober, to having just a few too many shots of vodka between writing the CoD bit and the Overwatch bit? Only thing going through my head when i got past Overwatch was ".... what?"
I'm sorry.... but am i the only one who read that article and thought that it seems like our buddy Hilbert went from being perfectly sober, to having just a few too many shots of vodka between writing the CoD bit and the Overwatch bit? Only thing going through my head when i got past Overwatch was ".... what?"
Activision & Blizzard presented their annual figures, and made the claim that Call of Duty Series will be returning to its toots. The space warfare theme did not increase their sales. Hence the game will be going back to its original design. This already will be effective for this years release of COD. The latest in the series Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare has... It started a little tipsy then full on woozy. Know what I mean, toots? đŸ™‚
Don't forget kamikaze Cat.
COD was fantastic until MW, World at War I found decent as well. Then it just got more stupid every year with different themes. Also can't really compare GTA to COD... for the obvious reason, but more importantly because GTA releases their games with a huge gap between them, COD is an every-year piece of **** these days.
Yes. Whenever something different is being tried out, a bunch of people come out screaming. We would be still with DOS playing Zork if everybody listened to the audience all the time.
Yeah, I would hardly call anything they done innovative but people hate change which is why we have so many sequels that play it safe and just produce more of the same. It's also why we have so many sequels, prequels and remakes. Going back to their roots is clearly a step back.
I haven't regularly played a COD game since COD2. I played the campaign for COD4 and that was it for me. Still waiting for the Steam versions of COD1 and 2 to go on a 75% off sale.
These games are never more than 50% off. You're better off buying the WW2 pack from the Humble Store during their sales. I think I got COD1+expansion, COD2, and WaW for $15.
I thought the sci-fi direction they had gone was making the series interesting again. Lame that they're going back to tit for tat with Battlefield.