Asus Teases Its PG27AQDM - First 27-Inch, OLED Gaming Monitor

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@asturur you can game on a 4k screen with lower in game res. works just fine, and still looks better than running a 1080/1440p screen of identical size. i switched from a 32 (1440p) to a 50in (UHD), so i get almost double the real estate, while getting the same FPS as i still play at 1440p (in game res), while not seeing a screen door effect at same distance (2-3ft) compared to the 32. sure screen size itsnt for everyone, but to say "you cant (properly) game on a 4K screen", just because you dont get 120hz@native res, is incorrect. ignoring that features like VRR are enough so that i can play BF V with (smartly) maxed out IQ settings, running 2160p@60Hz, using a 2080S. @Hulk12 response time mainly impact ghosting/trails, not motion blur. virtually all tvs/screens in the past 15y improved motion blur by increasing refresh to 100/120Hz, 200/240 etc, while response times didnt change as much (as in equal amount), ignoring there are screens doing 25ms and still look "better" than some with half/a third of that number.
50 Inch TV on a desk sitting 1 meter away? I guess you have no problems with a tennis neck.
@TheDeeGee no, because i move my eyes, not my head, like many ppl do. one reason i laugh when i see ppl lowering their head to the dish to eat, instead of using their arm to bring the fork to the mouth...

@TheDeeGee no, because i move my eyes, not my head, like many ppl do. one reason i laugh when i see ppl lowering their head to the dish to eat, instead of using their arm to bring the fork to the mouth...
I have currently a 50 inch plasma on my desk (technically it is wall mounted, but the desk is pushed to the wall... WAIT A MINUTE, I CAN INCREASE THE DISTANCE BY MOVING THE DESK), and the size is bad for 90% of the content I use so I watch the TV from my bed when i watch streams or so. Generally I favor my 24 inch monitor. So, while I agree that you "can" use a bit screen as a monitor, its just worse than using something more suited to that function. This is why I think a lot of people are happy about the 27 inch OLEDs, not so much with the price. Here is the good part: With competition in the OLED market actually BEING here, there is more pressure for price drops or innovation. It took us 10 years to get to the C2. it Took 1 year for 27 inch OLED monitors.
@Catspaw yes, you CAN use a big screen like that. never stated im watching the latest action movie at 2ft distance. just the fact that i dont have to get close to read smaller stuff compared to the 32in i had is a big plus, while i still have the basics much better than +80% of monis (10 bit panel/local dimming).

@TheDeeGee no, because i move my eyes, not my head, like many ppl do. one reason i laugh when i see ppl lowering their head to the dish to eat, instead of using their arm to bring the fork to the mouth...
That makes you laugh? It's to reduce spillage. If you're eating something a bit runny leaning over the bowl means it drops back in and not on your shirt And regarding your eye moving comment. You don't move your head to look at things? Just your eyes? That'll be creepy face to face. Or I mean eye to face.
yes, because of poor education on the parents part, and/or trouble eating, especially when i see ppl at +80 that can do it (without spilling their soup).. discussion was about using a big screen at close distance, when did i say i do this outside the pc use?