Windows 10 overtakes Windows 7

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In December 2018, Windows 10 was able to achieve a larger market share than the several-year-old Windows 7 - albeit very close. Windows 8.1 and Vista hardly play a role anymore. In general, the Windows ecosystem remains very dominant.

Microsoft has probably done what the company has been promoting for many years: Windows 10 is now the most widely used operating system. According to the analysis of the provider Net Applications it replaces the longtime leader Windows 7. The market share in December 2018 39.22 percent, while the apparently still very popular Windows 7 36.9 percent Martkanteil reserves.



Other versions of Windows are barely relevant. Windows 8.1 has a share of 4.51 percent in December 2018, while Windows XP is still used by 4.54 percent of users. Meanwhile, Windows continues to dominate the ecosystem: 86.20 percent of all users rely on one of Microsoft's operating systems. The rest of the market share different versions of Apple's MacOS at 10.65 percent and Linux distributions at 2.78 percent. Very low proportions hold ChromeOS and BSD.

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