World of Warcraft: Shadowlands with Ray Tracing in a new video from AMD

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Based on what? No performance, no quality, nothing is even shown here. How do you make a comment like this?
coZ aMd SuCks! bAd DrIvErS!! hOt AnD PoWeR hUnGrY!! nViDia RuLeZ! PS: And anyway... why should be AMD to blame for the way blizzard implements DXR on WoW?

My point was, it was only available on 9.0 version not on live. Not too many go for PTR or got an invite for beta.
My point was it's been out for around a couple of months or so.
This demonstration is like the Sport+ button that I had in one car: it is there, it is highly advertised about what can do but when I pushed it I didn't feel a notable difference between this and sport mode...but hey it's there, it's round, red and shiny, the dashboard comes to life in bright red, they charge you more for the option and that's it... If this is a demo for AMD ray tracing then it's a bummer for me. Why not choosing something else??? - a tech demo for Tomb raider or Hitman (they could work something with the producers of the games for a 5 minute show) - both are AMD titles if I remember correctly...

It's casual if you're a plant and farming daily quests. Otherwise it's pretty hardcore if you go into high end raiding or high rated pvp. Granted class balancing and new content wasn't always the best, but they still have a decent subs pool. The game engine is far from what it was, in bfa they even optimized the game to take good advantage of multicore cpus. Not to full, but better than many other new titles. The game graphics was never intended towards realism, that's the game style to look a bit cartoonish.
Hardcore? Playing anything in WoW was like taking very lazy vacation in comparison to L2. And since those times, WoW became dumbed down, so anyone can play. Where was it last time, you had 12hours of PvP, to prevent others from getting to end game content while your guild did it? And how many weeks/months you kept preventing enemies from getting there? WoW is casual. It will always be. And if there is game mechanics change, it will be for purpose to make game more attractive to masses. Same way as All those incoming MMORPGs which promised Hardcore gameplay, full loot, open world PvP, ... slowly backed down on their promises. Because there are not that many HC players. People use the word, but when they get taste of it, they give negative feedback. Because they want their casual game. Would you go into PvP knowing that you lose 1~4% of current level upon death and can be deleveled? (8~32 hours of leveling lost with each death.) Would you just PK dozen of people who try to pass by into raid area and risk dropping any and all parts of your gear? Then you have full loot games. WoW content is not HC in any form. It is about knowledge of encounter and discipline. Unless HC means that person does its homework and does not panic. @barbacot : Size of available player base.
When i heard realistic graphics.. i turned it off. Blizzard is just milking very old cow. From somebody who is not hooked it looks sex with 80 years old hooker..

When i heard realistic graphics.. i turned it off. Blizzard is just milking very old cow. From somebody who is not hooked it looks sex with 80 years old hooker..
Haha that comparison is just priceless. 😀

Give it a try and get a 2.5k+ rating in arenas and you'll have a challenge. Most of the community is casual like you say, but that's for any multiplayer game.
Yeah, sure. Someone in arena will do good. Maybe play class that counters well mine. What a challenge. What a dare. What a stake. Wait, CS:GO is hardcore game too if hardcore means consequence free challenge for ranking points. OK. Now I get it, there are so many hardcore games as they have ranking system. My eyes are open. Idle Heroes. Afk Arena. Endless World. ... They have ranking, what a hardcore approach to gaming... @ViperAnaf : I think you are misleading yourself. Bliz implemented DX-R and AMD helped them in some way or another. Likely by advising on meaningful visual improvement at reasonable performance cost. When game world is as detail-free as WoW is, adding accurate reflections just reproduces this low detail world. What you wrote applies to all current DX-R games. None uses raytracing techniques that bring meaningful improvement over existing methods. And almost all try to sell accurate reflections of poorly rendered world at high performance cost. People who bought Turing cards for DX-R content can as well cry in corner. Those who buy Ampere or RDNA2 for same reason and not for actual non-DX-R performance are going to have very similar experience. Premium price for demo. It's like paying $120 for early access game which gets cancelled before release with no refund. You played it, right? Sorry, for not delivering full experience. Better luck next time.

Based on what? No performance, no quality, nothing is even shown here. How do you make a comment like this?
based on the fact it looks like utter shite - and that says it all...
You lost 40fps for "nothing"

Its an MMO, what do you expect? You don't need top visuals for a game to be "good". Since launch the engine has seen many upgrades and this next exp its not different.
...having a bad day? MMO doesn't equal bad graphics and stating it has bad graphics means just that. WoW has had bad graphics since day 1 compared to what was released around 2004. It's weird they haven't really improved the graphics much, instead they focus on RT, lol. And graphics options exist for a reason - to make the game available for the majority of the fan base. See what I did there?

based on the fact it looks like utter shite - and that says it all...
And what has AMD to do with crap RT implementation in WoW by Blizzard's dev team?

And what has AMD to do with crap RT implementation in WoW by Blizzard's dev team?
Exactly! Nothing! Except for trying to take the credit LOL

...having a bad day? MMO doesn't equal bad graphics and stating it has bad graphics means just that. WoW has had bad graphics since day 1 compared to what was released around 2004. It's weird they haven't really improved the graphics much, instead they focus on RT, lol. And graphics options exist for a reason - to make the game available for the majority of the fan base. See what I did there?
Im yet to see a MMO with good graphics. Having graphics options is not always the answer to make a very good looking game playable across very old/bad PCs, yes you can play it at 720p and low settings if you want your eyes to bleed in the process and you will miss many of the important effects key to mechanics because they are not big/clear enough. Give a try to any game you have on that kind of settings, thats not an experience developers should be aiming at, so, the lower the starting point, the better for the bad/old PCs. And... yes.. they improved the graphics much. Look at a zone tour or screenshots, animations, models, etc. from 2004 and look at one from bfa or shadowlands, RT its just an addition to be trendy.

Your point is to argue without making any sense. Raytracing shadows wasn't available in the live version of the game, period.
I never said Raytracing was available on Live for 2 months, it's all there, black on white. Just read. I did say it was available on the PTR. Which is correct. you seem to be confused.

Im yet to see a MMO with good graphics. Having graphics options is not always the answer to make a very good looking game playable across very old/bad PCs, yes you can play it at 720p and low settings if you want your eyes to bleed in the process and you will miss many of the important effects key to mechanics because they are not big/clear enough. Give a try to any game you have on that kind of settings, thats not an experience developers should be aiming at, so, the lower the starting point, the better for the bad/old PCs. And... yes.. they improved the graphics much. Look at a zone tour or screenshots, animations, models, etc. from 2004 and look at one from bfa or shadowlands, RT its just an addition to be trendy.
BDO has quite good graphics. But one can argue that it is single player game in online environment. Much like theme park nature of GW2. But I am sure, people playing GW2 on DX9 would appreciate move to DX12 in any form.

BDO has quite good graphics. But one can argue that it is single player game in online environment. Much like theme park nature of GW2. But I am sure, people playing GW2 on DX9 would appreciate move to DX12 in any form.
Did not try BDO since FuryX times tbh... and it was good looking game but a performance mess. Maybe ill give it a try again next time its free.

Im yet to see a MMO with good graphics. Having graphics options is not always the answer to make a very good looking game playable across very old/bad PCs, yes you can play it at 720p and low settings if you want your eyes to bleed in the process and you will miss many of the important effects key to mechanics because they are not big/clear enough. Give a try to any game you have on that kind of settings, thats not an experience developers should be aiming at, so, the lower the starting point, the better for the bad/old PCs.
Now you are just making excuses without basis in real life. You are arguing everyone should suffer because some people have weak hardware although we all know it can be remedied easily with graphics options. End of story. Warframe, Justice Online, Guild Wars 2, Star Citizen.

Now you are just making excuses without basis in real life. You are arguing everyone should suffer because some people have weak hardware although we all know it can be remedied easily with graphics options. End of story. Warframe, Justice Online, Guild Wars 2, Star Citizen.
Shrug. Its not about suffering its about the devs vision for his game. You may or may not like it, but thats how they aim for the user base and ofc how expensive the game will be to make. You dont like wow, i dont see such a huge problem in it. Ill just agree to disagree. Ps: For me warframe looks bad, justice i dont even know it, guild wars is wow level graphics and starscam is just that... A never ending money black hole.
And here we are. You are disagreeing with hard facts, telling me what I like or don't like and constantly shifting the topic. Feelings over logic. WoW has crap graphics. There is ZERO reason, other than being lazy, why they couldn't increase the poly count, texture resolution, add more effects into the game etc. Gameplay would stay the same for all. (After doing some digging I found out WoW is highly unoptimized. Guess they can't be bothered.) You talk about a vision. Then why did they improve the graphics a little over time? Was that a change of vision or did they simply realize the graphics looked godawful. Graphics quality and vision are not connected anymore. From an art perspective yes, Warframe looks way different and you can describe it as "ugly", but that doesn't mean it's graphics are bad, they are good, way more complex and advanced than WoW ever will be. It's your own problem if you don't know any good looking MMO games. Don't make up reasons why MMO games should look bad. GW2 has better graphics than WoW. Whether Starcitizen is a scam or not has nothing to do with the topic. It's playable, it's an MMO, has probably the best graphics, but granted, it's not optimized for low/medium specced PCs. God, even RUNESCAPE is cathing up to WoW, lol.
WTH would anymore cripple his or her fps in WoW for ray tracing?