Star Citizen New Procedural Planets v2 Trailer

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A bit of context: it was running on win10 with an i7-5820K and a single GTX 1080, it also had 64Gb RAM. Saying that the FPS is around 45-55 average on the 30min of the video is simply a lack of any good faith, the average FPS of this video is well over 60, even 70frame per seconds. There's indeed frame drops, but it's cutting edge technology and i dare anyone to find any engine capable of doing half of what is shown here. It's a mix of space-engine procedural with Far Cry-quality level ground, in a MMORPG world, and it's only the beginning. This is really impressive, and whoever dares calling this project a scam has no understanding at all of what neither innovation, or game development are, and should stick to Major studio formatted games. For established studios the development of a game is at least 4 years. Here we're talking about building a company to make a game with cutting edge technology. If you can't understand nor appreciate that, you've a serious biased grasp of how innovative product comes to life. Furthermore not only the technology behind Star Citizen is innovative, the developement process is innovative too: Star Citizen IS playable right now, it's a huge difference with development in other studios is which they're on their own for 4 years and put out a product. Star Citizen is trying to show as much as they can and make playable as much as they can at the level of quality they want. No other company has ever done that before. Innovation takes time, trial and error, and it's a layer above gaming industry which is already hugely based on creative process, trial and error. You can't complain about major studios stuck in the same gameplay for years, cutting creativity for profits, and complain of the development of Star Citizen. Star Citizen is the anti - Call Of Duty and one of the projects that PC players can refer to, as to justify why their gaming platform is wonderful.
First of all, the fact that you're even mentioning No Man's Sky in this thread is already a mistake, since in no way form or shape are these two games even the least bit similar beyond the fact that they are both set in space and utilize procedural generation. they otherwise are nothing alike. Second, they already have done what you're mentioning. They are using procedural generation for the persistent universe, but certain planets and stations and features will not be procedurally generated and will be static. Otherwise there is no way for them to make a universe that plays the same for everyone. So, they are already "tightened" Again, a situation where if you actively followed the development, you'd know these things. Arent they though? I feel like some fan boy for having to correct so many posts filled with so much misinformation and false claims even though i'm just stating facts. Its unreal the wild speculation and incorrect claims that are made about this game.. I honestly can't remember a game that has taken so much flak that is so unfounded.
Erm sorry but procedural is being used in both so I can make any comparisons I wish. (If you must know I tend to think that procedural flat out doesnt work hence if this game uses procedural it's a fail before it's it? and that's because I cant actually explain why unless I really give it some thought but random content just wont work. And really I have better things to do). My gut feeling is this procedural stuff will be a flash in the pan after people really discover it's meh. Or filler basically. Once you seen the same filler the base game better be amazing or it's just another yawn fest set in space. Actually if you think hard enough who really wants to play a game where a planet is say randomly created. As Spock would say "it's highly illogical captain". Perhaps some of these game devs think life etc and the universe is random? And dont start getting all high and mighty because I am not a "real fan" of the game just making comments from what I have seen from vids etc. Moroever what they say now and what happens in real terms could be quite different. It's amazing how people get so hung up by these game creators and all their flowery speak and swallow it hook line and sinker and accept it as gospel. As I see it this promises quite a lot but flatters to deceive as sadly do most titles of the past few yrs. I stand to be corrected of course and will be happy to eat humble pie. (but I can tell you now that happens perhaps once every 20yrs).
And dont start getting all high and mighty because I am not a "real fan" of the game just making comments from what I have seen from vids etc. Moroever what they say now and what happens in real terms could be quite different. It's amazing how people get so hung up by these game creators and all their flowery speak and swallow it hook line and sinker and accept it as gospel. .
I absolutely already knew that you were just making comments based on what you've seen from vids because your posts show as much. A lack of understanding and its clear that you don't follow the development otherwise your posts would depict that.. now if you think that is me being "high and mighty" than honestly I'm not sure I should even be bothering to reply to this. many people are interested in this game, and sure some are hung up and extremely excited about its development and believe through and through with what CIG have promised. Me, I am a realist. They have lots of stuff planned, and they have delivered already on a portion of it. Could the project still fail? Absolutely.. is it likely that it would by this point? not at all.. but sure anything can happen. Saying comments like "being hook line and sinkered" may make sense if they were actually toying their backers around by releasing a screenshot here and there with no proof of progress.. this game and its development is the absolute OPPOSITE of that.. they've shown everything, week by week, as theyve worked on it, and added to the pre-alpha client. If you think that is being "suckered" than again, I really don't know what to say to you.
I absolutely already knew that you were just making comments based on what you've seen from vids because your posts show as much. A lack of understanding and its clear that you don't follow the development otherwise your posts would depict that.. now if you think that is me being "high and mighty" than honestly I'm not sure I should even be bothering to reply to this. many people are interested in this game, and sure some are hung up and extremely excited about its development and believe through and through with what CIG have promised. Me, I am a realist. They have lots of stuff planned, and they have delivered already on a portion of it. Could the project still fail? Absolutely.. is it likely that it would by this point? not at all.. but sure anything can happen. Saying comments like "being hook line and sinkered" may make sense if they were actually toying their backers around by releasing a screenshot here and there with no proof of progress.. this game and its development is the absolute OPPOSITE of that.. they've shown everything, week by week, as theyve worked on it, and added to the pre-alpha client. If you think that is being "suckered" than again, I really don't know what to say to you.
Sorry we are done there is no need for your tone you come off as an elitist fanboy. So I havent been watching all the info re this. I am not that interested in it. So what? It's an open thread. Doesnt say at the top "if you havent watched x vid etc etc please dont post or if you do expect some assy response thrown in your direction". Just dont reply to my posts and I wont yours then we are golden. Capiche? My actual objection is quite clear and that's re procedural stuff. Therefore I dont need to watch any of the stuff you have seen. Period. I can dislike the game on these grounds alone and will do so. p.s whats wrong with making comments from stuff you have seen on the internet and not specifically their stuff? Sure it's not the whole picture but that doesnt mean you cant know what the game is about. Scoobydoo you are talking crap. So to make comment on another game say the upcoming Mass effect 4 is it I have to watch not only general stuff but the devs talking shop. Shove it... Oh and getting all excited/worked up over a game pre-release that's a real realist for you. NOT.
Now I'm an elitist fanboy because I call you out on your ignorance and you have nothing to say other than to call names. Cool. You're free to say whatever you like, ignorant or not.. I'm not telling you can't, just don't expect people to not correct you when you're speaking out of ignorance that's all. Anyway, no need to get angry. If you can't take someone calling you out, I'd suggest not making inaccurate comments. Pretty simple to me. Bye.
Behind the scene and the process that lead to no SQ42 at CitizenCon. Now, that's what opened development is. [youtube]rRsF6_lwLas[/youtube]
the PC used for the Citizencon live demo was: CPU: Intel i7-5820K 3.3GHz Stock GPU: 1 x ASUS ROG GTX 1080 Strix Memory: 64GB Corsair Vengeance DDR4 Motherboard: ASUS X99-A Case: Corsair Vengeance C70
:wanker:LOL I'm being told I'm acting like a twelve year old by a guy with a 5 year old in his Avatar, your girlfriend?, and by a guy named Scooby Doo!! Lol precious. Your comments mean a lot to me lol!!:wanker:
Except for the fact that there is a product which you can judge them on, albeit prematurely, though that seems like it would never stop you from throwing around your opinion good or bad. There is a very real and working pre-alpha build that is being updated all the time with new content. If you'd prefer to speak toward them as a company instead of judging them based on the strides they are making in game, you're entirely free to do that. But what you can't sit there and say is that they don't have a product.. just because it isn't finished does not mean it isn't a product. If I'm downloading it and playing it on my PC at home, guess what.. its a product.
When it gets released and reviewed: this it is a product. Until then, it is a project, for which the company making the project are counting the development funds as company revenue/unit sales. This is massively misleading, and as nice as I am sure you are, I cannot agree/side with someone who is regurgitating information, instead of acknowledging this project for the project it is. This may one day become a game, but it isn't. and I would be a fool not to acknowledge they are extremely good at blurring the lines and creating grey areas as to what is and is not a game. They are also extremely good at splitting up and subdividing their project and moulding/reshaping it to the Nth degree so it is not clear whether the project has become a game, or whether the thing they are working on/demonstrating is going to be which part of the project, and what the timelines are. Redefining the definitions, passing the buck, and essentially ossifying segments of the project to confuse everyone as to whether something is a game or a project and whether it has or has not been released. Yet... There is no game on the shelves. There are no reviews. So, there you are...I think perhaps we should all just ignore them until they actually have a game on the shelves and there are FINAL reviews of the FINAL game for which we can sink our teeth into. Anything and everything else is just criticism of them as an inept example of game development.
I want buy it this month, is this already implemented that you can visit a planet? As you can do anything in this game, i just want to visit planet and f*ck **** up and explore.
I was not expecting a giant sand worm to pop out if the ground, that was the best part.
I literally wrote they use a mixture of it in my post. And no, I don't think their points are valid. SHOCKTRUPPEN said " but you can't make a game in four years?" almost every single AAA title has a development period longer then four years and none of them have to deal with the constraints put on CIG by being transparent and modular with the development process or having a shifting budget to adhere to. These threads are really frustrating to deal with - you see the same people say literally the exact same thing in multiple threads and don't even address the responses to their complaints. SHOCKTRUPPEN wrote an identical post less then a week ago -- multiple people replied to him and he just ignored it and posted the exact same thing in this thread.
Its really frustrating to have others voice their opinion of this game and dev cycle not producing much so far? 4 years in and there is not much to do. This was my first post about Roberts Space Industries game to this point. Learning to deal with others opinions, might help you. Chris Roberts helped created game development with all the projects and companies he has worked for/with over his career, this is not new territory, what is new is that it is was crowd sourced for so much (a lot of interest). I question how far it has progressed, and for instance, Squadron 42? Get the base space sim game down, then add the extras maybe? i think Lobbyluggs comments are appropriate:
1: It's not a AAA game. It's a $2m kickstarter project, which decided to redefine 'development funds' as 'income & revenue', even though they do not have a finished product on the shelves. 2: No one can deny the arduous nature of game development, you can only argue the ineptitude of management for not knowing or understanding the technical requirements and subsequent timescales involved in game development. In other words, you cannot give credit or allow for delays or slippage, because your technical director had a hard time refactoring a game engine. That's their fault, and is most certainly is not an excuse, it is a reason. 4: There is not a guide book on how to make a computer game, but there are many BANKS out there who help you write your business plan with key items like, timescales and requirements to get your business running. Most importantly, staff. Credible staff. Staff who know what to do, how to do it and how long it will take to do. I am truly sorry, I really am, but you cannot and should not give any excuses for (again) the inability for an individual responsible for running a business. There are more than enough ways to get your business plan "perfect" before embarking on such an endeavour, with heaps of financial and legal assistance from many institutions certified to make it so your business plan is 'workable' and can be 'executed'. To argue that there isn't, that unforeseen circumstances, or 'problems with third-parties' contradicts the credibility you are apportioning to them. Changing the business plan on the fly, and redefining what 'revenue' and 'development funds' actually are has been the main problem for the last few years. The money has kept coming in, so they have changed that income from 'development funds' destined for development of the existing plan, to 'revenue' for a project which has not been released. The plan keeps changing, they keep adding to it - and people are essentially paying for a product, which has not been released. If it had - I would be judging/critiquing/appraising it in reference to the review scores and how they weigh on my own personal experience. It hasn't, so I won't. What I will do is judge the company and how they conduct business, because without a product; that's all I can do.
Again looking forward one day to playing this game as i have good discussions with friends who have spent large amounts of money for ships that still are not usable but still back this game and what it might bring someday.