Gigabyte RTX 4070 may come with a number of different RAM configurations to choose from

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Crazy Joe:

Sure, but the operative word there is profit. If you sell your product at a loss, then having a large market share only increases your losses. You can try and buy market share with a product by selling it at a loss, but there will be the need to recoup these losses and make a profit at some time in the future. If Intel feels that the investment they made can't be recouped by selling GPUs to consumers at attractive prices, because they would either still make a loss or have a razor thing profit margin, which will make the time to recoup the investment too long and uncertain, they will stop producing those GPUs. And let's face it: the Arc series is not a sales hit. Whether that is because of the awful state of the drivers at launch, that left everyone with a sour taste, or the level of performance that doesn't even beat last generation's low to mid range cards, is up for debate. But the truth of the matter is not enough people are willing to buy these cards. Maybe Intel will see how BattleMage turns out in the consumer space before making their decision about the future of the consumer GPUs, but they have already restructured their GPU division in such a way that they can easily step away without hurting the data center and professional GPU side of the business.
Sorry bud, can you explain again what profit is?
Crazy Joe:

If the rumors are correct they're about to exit the consumer market for GPU's and only concentrate on the professional and data center markets.
no they aren't.