Download: NVIDIA GeForce 466.11 WHQL drivers

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Driver seems a little quicker, no errors found.
Does this driver break HDR in Outriders?!

You can add / test them yourself with NVInspector:
Thanks, I'm aware, I just don't have the time/patience to do the testing myself right now. It's seriously disappointing that nVidia haven't added more to their list; all they would need is 1 person working part time on it.

And.... it's still in here *YouTube]: Video playback stutters while scrolling down the YouTube page.[/YouTube]

*YouTube]: Video playback stutters while scrolling down the YouTube page. [3129705] :(

I wonder how is it still a thing after almost half a year... 🙁
This is not a driver issue, the drivers support for Multiplane overlays exposed it, but its a bug in Chromium's renderer swapping every frame between RGB and NV12 due to failing on NV12 for some reason. Upstream has recently checked in a fix: see f331ac03f7d07758e7820792c89b8a39cd5e2195 - chromium/src - Git at Google (

@ManuelG This driver works well with Windows 10 insider builds again. DX12/HDR/Ray Tracing/Gforce Experience, Good job Nvidia.
Yes. We don't call out fixes for Windows 10 Insider builds in our release notes.

Does this driver break HDR in Outriders?!
Did you have problems with HDR in the previous driver? Are you using any filters?

Yes. We don't call out fixes for Windows 10 Insider builds in our release notes.
And with that you just chopped down some BS in the last driver thread. My confidence in Nvidia doesn't need restoring, I never lost faith in you guys. The team did exactly what I thought they'd do. Good job!

Did you have problems with HDR in the previous driver? Are you using any filters?
The previous driver didn't have the same problem, it was fine

Do you understand that the list is a lie? Some people 🙄 ....
Yeah provide no evidence and rolls your eyes. Why are those Inspector settings enabling a difference in performance if it's not working by default due to a whitelist? It's almost as if the whitelist exists, and is doing something. Lying and nVidia go hand-in-hand, but this would be pointless to lie about.
Was hoping for some Valheim optimizations. xD
I don't know, I may have lost a few fps in some games? but I know that the smoothness and the lower FPS are much better... for example, Control with everything @ max @ 2560x1080 @ 75hz used to go down low 60s fps with the smoke effects near portals. now it stays over low 80s. also, don't fanboy over brands... I prefer nvidia... but even I know they're bullies and very Apple ass-hats at times... but damn the driver support (for windows) and the features are almost god-tier.

Are you really that dense? In my 1st replay on the last page I told you to look at the Hardware Unboxed video testing exactly this thing and that will be all the evidence you need to see with your own eyes... You're ignorance and laziness will be your downfall, but you already know that, yet you still do nothing to change the outcome... Here: [youtube=_f7X_hqPRhE]
Yeah I'm totally going to implode by not buying what you're yelling at face value, oh no my downfall! What are you? 13? Calm down dipshit. There's been tons of reports that manually enabling it through Inspector makes a difference. So there's more to it than nVidia just lying for no apparent reason. It could be accidentally enabled in some things, it could be a driver bug, etc. Did HWU even state that their results weren't with it manually forced on? Oh no it's my laziness for not wanting to watch a 16 minute video! ARRGGHH MUH DOWNFALL!!1one

the whitelist is nonsense as there are games that actually lose performance even though they're on the whitelist.
Someone here did mention that it's technically on at all times, just limiting non-white listed things to 256MB chunks as usual. So it sounds like it could just be a driver issue.
Getting lower performance and stutters with this driver and destiny 2. Never ever had a problem making a solid 97fps with my Samsung crg9 monitor with gsync enabled. Running a 3090 and 5950x. Reverted back to last driver and problem is resolved.

Remain ignorant.
You don't seem to understand what that word means. Keep raging, I'm sure your approach is totally effective in making a point and will convert many people into accepting your conspiracy theories. Here's a crazy idea, we could just, you know, ask the nVidia rep in this thread if there is a more reasonable explanation of what's going on. @ManuelG Any info on why non-white listed games are sometimes affected, seemingly without manually forcing it on? If not, can you look into it?
Again, as problems startet with 465.89 drivers, I have big problems with this driver as well: ~30-50% fps drops, depending on the game + micro stutter every 5-10 secs) with GSYNC + forced VSYNC through control panel. It works OKish (better fps but still regular micro stutter in some games) when I disabled VSYNC in Control panel, but far away from the performance I had with 461.92 or lower. Disabling VSYNC & GSYNC on my LG BX also leads to the same problems. Game problems (examples): DIRT 5: loading times doubled, compared to 461.40, textures and models loading around 10 times longer. Cyberpunk 2077: Microstutter every ~10 seconds Zomby Army 4: FPS drop around 50%, microstutter Outriders: Laggish feeling, some stutters appearing Rolling back (right now Im on 461.40) is the only real solution to solve the problems. Everything works well here again. @ManuelG: Could you please have a look into this issue. RTX 3080 Laptop user here (MSI GE76 Raider). Thanks!
Neo Cyrus:


Are you really that dense? In my 1st replay on the last page I told you to look at the Hardware Unboxed video testing exactly this thing and that will be all the evidence you need to see with your own eyes... You're ignorance and laziness will be your downfall, but you already know that, yet you still do nothing to change the outcome...
You don't seem to understand what that word means. Keep raging, I'm sure your approach is totally effective in making a point and will convert many people into accepting your conspiracy theories. Here's a crazy idea, we could just, you know, ask the nVidia rep in this thread if there is a more reasonable explanation of what's going on. @ManuelG Any info on why non-white listed games are sometimes affected, seemingly without manually forcing it on? If not, can you look into it?
Indeed. One thing I could think of is that you have to enable Above 4G Decoding on the Mainboard to be able to enable Resizable BAR (of course). Enabling Above 4G Decoding alone could lead to performance issues in certain games, even without enabling Resizable BAR (I've seen that before Resizable BAR was an option on my system, for example). The exact hardware configuration, resolution and game settings may play into what kind of performance gains (or losses) you see with ReBAR enabled as well. There are lots of variables to consider. The whitelist seems to work fine on my computer, I can enable or disable it per application profile with Nvidia Profile Inspector and it seems to actually work for me that way in the games I tried. Just because some youtube streamer that doesn't seem to be interested in researching why they are getting the results is stating something as fact, doesn't mean it has to be so universally. Perhaps if credible journalists begin to report the same thing and cover all their bases there could be something to it, but right now I'm skeptical that the whitelist wouldn't work as I'm seeing different results myself. I myself would love to see Hilbert research the matter with various system configurations and settings in one of his nicely written articles. Back to the topic of the thread, the 466.11 drivers seem to be working fine for me on various systems in any games and applications we've been using here.
I had to update my video card bios (To get Resizable BAR ) and put in the beta bios and gained 200 points in Port royal. Asus Tuf 3090 OC bios version beta 1901

What have they done to GeForce Experience... My god, why do they keep changing stuff that is unnecessary.
You can install the driver without GFE unless you really need it, I only used in the past for recording/streaming, the rest of GFE is just bloat.