December 2019 Guru3D Contest Winner Announcements

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Did not win πŸ™ Will use my hard earned money to build my new temporary system then πŸ˜€

3rd year nothing. Had a good day today. Now I feel the let down. Absolutely not worth it to feel like that so never more
Yeah, what a cataclysm. Feel sorry for you already. Tell that to people who didn't eat today, maybe you'll get some insights about being grateful for what you have.
Congratulations to the winners:):):):):):):)
Nothing few years in a row.. lucky bastards πŸ˜€
I won the best forum member of 2019 award and the prize is a 2080Ti!:p But i canΒ΄t complain because iΒ΄ve already won plenty here. Anyway, congrats for all the winners!!! Enjoy your hardware! And a happy new year for everyone!!!
Ah well..No gpu for me then.. was sure that 2070s hof would be mine πŸ˜€
Bravo to the winners.
Congratulations to the winners! I'm not really needing any of the prizes, so even if I had won something I'd probably have given it to my brother. I'm just fine. πŸ˜€

Thanks to HH and all participants for the opportunity! Fun contest to enter... Congrats to all of the winners!! Christ!!! Some parents kids!!!!
holy hell, what participation trophies have done to some people, right.
Congrats to the winners! I only entered for those contests that would be useful to me, and I am not disappointed as I didn't expect to win anything but was really enthusiastic about the participation and the personal achievement if finding the hidden logos. And that Afterburner logo ... I spent so much time trying to locate it and never did! Where was it hidden? I looked with deep and shadow focus, on smartphone and laptop, zoomed in and out. I even started crawling through the source code for the elements trying to find it. And even though I found lots of interesting patterns and small nuances I hadn't expected to see I never got it!
Hi Hilbert, I think there's been a mistake - you seem to have misspelled my name on all the prizes! :P But seriously, congratulations to all the winners. Another awesome contest, and hopefully another awesome year ahead!
The afterburner logo was nice , but for me the hardest was the cooler master logo . Had to make 3 passes to find it !
Well done winners ! And happy new year to all πŸ™‚
Grats to winners, enjoy your new stuff and Happy New Year everyone.:)
I don't really understand the butthurt for not winning. All you had to do was answer some questions, click on some links, and do a few scavenger hunts (which for the most part are more fun than tedious). Hilbert (or really the world for that matter) owes you nothing, and if you feel entitled enough to think that you deserve to win, chances are, you're probably entitled enough to enable adblock for selfish reasons, which is the very thing Hilbert is trying to stop the usage of. Life is too short to be bitter about bad luck. Be happy for those who won.
Congratulations to all the winners πŸ™‚:)
I think I participated since 2009 or even before. Never won. I think...(not sure thought) I win a 1x HOF Master memory 16GB kit. Fingers crossed for a couple of more days *_*