EA announces Battlefield V next Wednesday (updated)

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I would like to see EA go after the individuals creating the cheats, taking them to court, one of the big ones being ArtificialAiming, to this date EA's stance is pretty much "Meh, they will buy the game again when the get banned"...... EA couldn't care less about cheaters, it's just more money for them.
Fairfight bans them all the time, every hour or so they post a message in the chat saying how many temporary bans & perma bans have been issued in the last 24hrs. It's usually around the figure of 70 temporary bans and 30 perma bans per 24 hour period.
World War 5?

I would like to see EA go after the individuals creating the cheats, taking them to court, one of the big ones being ArtificialAiming, to this date EA's stance is pretty much "Meh, they will buy the game again when the get banned"...... EA couldn't care less about cheaters, it's just more money for them.
Other than anti-cheats this is one of the things all devs should start doing tbh. EPIC games is doing it to some extent with Fortnite.
I do hope its not ww1 / ww2. Give my Helicopter back! For personal taste, Cold War era would be an ideal one.
I don't have high hopes for this one after I saw what they did to Battlefield franchise with Battlefield 1. My guess is that Battlefield V is just a working title and that it will be Battlefield 2 WWII. A copy pasted Battlefield 1. πŸ˜€ Some time ago they forbid using any promotional materials related to old, good Battlefield 2. So it's either this one or WWII version is in the works. πŸ˜€ Also I think it would be a good time for them to make a reboot of the franchise. I don't mind WWII theme but nerfing down a gameplay mechanics to make it more appealing for console / casual players won't make me buying it for any price.
A Battlefield game with all the time chapters available, where you play WW1 first, then comes WW2, then cold war / Vietnam, then BF3/4, then 2142... all in one game, you just have to choose which time frame before you search for servers... that'd be cool.
No mods --> no money from me

No mods --> no money from me
Having mods makes it harder for EA to kill a game when they want to move the community onto the newest iteration of a game, which is a shame because without mods the battlefield series would not be what it is today. Modding breeds innovation and new ideas, something EA doesn't care about.
l know this is not a popular opinion, but for me BF1 was the best BF game since BFBC2 (I still hold that one as my most favorite). I loved the simplicity of it, lack of gimmicky UCAVs or lock-on bullshit. Because of this I could actually learn to fly vehicles properly (granted AA can be a pain, but it's manageable) and could do well with any class/vehicle. Not to mention that I'm a WW1&2 history nut, and if there's something that DICE still is very good at is recreating guns pretty accurate, especially sound wise. So I can only hope that V will indeed be WW2 setting. That being said, I would not mind Vietnam or to a lesser degree a futuristic setting. I'd only be pissed if it's plain "modern".

"Wallhack" = flaregun LOL Noobs allways complain about "cheaters" They just can't believe someone is better than them...
Players are correct when they complain about hackers, and it is rampant, take your head out of the sand. Here is one random site discussing a hack that is available... Purchase Detection Status Members Service Status EngineOwning - Undetected cheats for CoD, Battlefield and more HomeForums>Our Cheats>User Feedback> This site uses cookies. By continuing to use this site, you are agreeing to our use of cookies. Learn More. Battlefield 1 Battlefield 1 hack review (english) Discussion in 'User Feedback' started by Smoky93, Nov 20, 2016. Thread Status: This thread is more than 30 days old. https://data.engineowning.com/avatars/m/6/6053.jpg?1476776429 Smoky93Well-Known Member Since there is only one review in german im making my review of this great hack made by speedi πŸ™‚ - ESP : Nicely done, with plenty of options like enemy only, pickup,ammo,health etc... You can also change the colors directly in the menu ! awesome. 10/10 http://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2016/43/1477829800-bf1legit.png - AIMBOT : I will talk about the infantry aimbot cause vehicles aimbot isn't available yet. Very accurate , i love it ! you can destroy anyone even with legit settings (random bone , low FOV and high smooth factor) Not much more to say about it, just well coded ! Still waiting on vehicles aimbot tho but i know it will come and that will totaly destroy the game lol 9/10 http://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2016/43/1477829801-bf1legit3.png - Removals : Nothing here yet. - Gun Mods : In this tab you can find all guns mod to troll.Perfect no recoil is really helpful along with Magic bullets options to rage and kill everyone behind walls and plane + weapon ID changer and damage modifier but can get you flagged and banned by FairFight real quick so be careful ! https://www.engineowning.com/threads/fairfight-explained.1331/ 10/10 https://www.engineowning.com/proxy.php?image=http%3A%2F%2Fimage.noelshack.com%2Ffichiers%2F2016%2F43%2F1477829801-bf1legit4.png&hash=2548264ccb2c7bd63572519ef3d86713 - Misc : Most coolest options in this hack are in this tab ! Ok first the AutoSpot option.It get me tons of points without getting FF flagged ! i like how you can change the delay πŸ˜‰ You will also find invisibility option very fun to troll with it πŸ˜€ Of course there is a ping spoofer ! You can edit enemy list, colors and adminchat text. You can unlock camos and equipments for guns with the Force unlock very useful. Now the best for me is the spawn with battle pickups and unlock all equipment everywhere ! You can make a fucking awesome loadout with all battlepickup/guns in any class ! Spawn with protection shield to take way less damage ! Its awesome trust me πŸ˜€ 11/10 https://www.engineowning.com/proxy.php?image=http%3A%2F%2Fimage.noelshack.com%2Ffichiers%2F2016%2F43%2F1477829801-bf1legit5.png&hash=d05933febd98b4bc0266e66cf41b3718 i like to use the villa perosa with protection shield and ammo bag + medic bag ! It also give unlimited antichar grenades. https://www.engineowning.com/proxy.php?image=http%3A%2F%2Fimage.noelshack.com%2Ffichiers%2F2016%2F43%2F1477829802-bf1loadoat.png&hash=f6a79e5148a977272443e1efc62639a0 What else can i say about this great hack ? You can ether rage or play legit with it ! oh yeah and the game NEVER CRASHED BECAUSE OF IT :) 10/10 hack Get it πŸ˜‰ Last edited: Nov 20, 2016 Smoky93, [URL='https://www.engineowning.com/threads/battlefield-1-hack-review-english.3931/']Nov 20, 2016 #1[/URL] AimBRoT and Haxelent like this. https://data.engineowning.com/avatars/m/0/584.jpg?1472477758 HaxelentEO GuruPromoterCustomer Thanks for your Review! Good to hear that you enjoy our products πŸ™‚ I'm sure that you will get some extra days ^^ Happy further hacking! Haxelent, [URL='https://www.engineowning.com/threads/battlefield-1-hack-review-english.3931/#post-24598']Nov 20, 2016 #2[/URL] Bosniaball and Smoky93 like this.
Battlefield Vietnam
EA has ruined so many franchises that I want to invade their HQ with a baseball bat at this point
I'd agree with most of you about the constant hackers/cheaters in Battlefield, I've had so many arguments with players on the winning enemy cheating side. I'm hoping they will do a sci-fi sequel like 2142. Though I would like a sequel to bad company. I don't want to see another WW2 battlefield game.
Still no Bad Company 3??? Then no money from me. I really loved BC2 but i canΒ΄t get into the "normal" Battlefield games.
At this point in my life I am done with any game that EA touch. I bumped my head too many times and the last time was with BF1 where there is nou local servers available to play on and 250ms on a fps is not playable....
If this another pay to win, count me out. Battlefront 2 for example. They have stopped offering an efferctive anti cheat FairFight, is useless and Punkbuster is old and ineffective. If I don't see an anticheat like Battleye no thanks, will pass on this title.. JMHO
Battlefield V...really? Why not BF IIIII πŸ™‚
My expectations are extremely low. But, as this used to be my absolute favorite game series, I remain interested to see what happens. More CoD inspired drivel and their hand in my wallet, I suspect. Anyways... My wish list for a new Battlefield game: Bots. If I could only get one thing back, this would be it. SP plays just like online but with bots. (no wasting dev time on Hollywood SP story) You can create local servers or rent/use nice robust servers with interesting settings. Mapping tools so we get more maps. Mods are possible (if not actually encouraged). Submarines and a full naval complement. Basically, give us back our old game. If they could mix the good squad play (etc) from BF3/BF4/BF1 with my wish list, they'd have made my perfect Battlefield game. If someone made that game again, I'd be giddy.
while I did not even bother with bf1 I thought bf3 and 4 were a little too console little bobby friendly. since the console bf bc the game has pretty much gotten worse when it was pc first it was better. they could keep all the "he might have a hack" stuff down by making the kits more like bf2 the k.i.s.s method, i think then the guns would fire the same most of the time and cheaters would be more easy to spot and document. they should have a old school mode no regen anything no infinite ammo on vehicles cept mounted machine guns health packs bf2 classes you know the reasons why it was a team game in the first place
@cowie I miss BF2 as well. I wish as they upgraded to better visuals and dynamic environments they had kept what made BF2 so damn fun. Hopefully there is a bit of a return back to there roots.