Anthem: 10 Minutes of Hidden Depths Gameplay

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All I hope for is that Anthem doesn't lead to EA killing BioWare.
EA Sports will now kill the rest of EA 😀
The game looks OK, but very generic.
Well, on a positive they are being very truthful about the game, because after watching the clip they are completly correct, all signs of any depth of gameplay are completly hidden. 😛
Barry J:

missed getting this by 1 day I got battlefield V free with new GPU if I had waited I would have got this as well
Then you would have 2 Crappy games from EA....
Bioware invited a fundamentalist hardcore SJW feminist blogger to their studios to approve their game. So we already know it's gonna be horse manure. Their target audience is not gamers. It's SJWs. Which is insane, since SJWs don't buy games. Gamers do. The only game SJWs play is Twitter.
Putting that SJW drivel into games is the quickest way to kill them quick, imo. Aside from that, the game looks like nothing interesting or inspiring--ruins, what ruins? No time to peruse the ruins because of continuous half-wit banter and constant jumping and flying and firing, over and over again, quite repetitiously--the people talking to each other provide no sense of exertion whatsoever...;) They might as well be seated at a table having dinner and discussing the menu options! EA seems to place the value of the dollar ahead of the value of the entertainment they provide. Yawn. I loved the Bioware that gave us the NWN/2 universe--but that Bioware died long ago. Show the SJW preachers the door and seek to thoroughly entertain and the $ will follow. Slapping the word "multiplayer" over a lot of hokey garbage is not going to get it. If Bioware can no longer do great games then I really don't care if the current assembly of individuals calling itself "Bioware" makes it or doesn't, frankly. It's been a long time since I have thought of Bioware in the present tense, anyway.

Maybe for EA fanboys but for the rest of us waiting games like "Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice"...not so much. Anthem will be released in a month (22 Feb) and we can only see an alpha gameplay footage. I have a bad feeling...a very bad one.
Is it that samurai from software game they showed at the last E3. It looked so great.

Bioware invited a fundamentalist hardcore SJW feminist blogger to their studios to approve their game. So we already know it's gonna be horse manure. Their target audience is not gamers. It's SJWs. Which is insane, since SJWs don't buy games. Gamers do. The only game SJWs play is Twitter.
I don't see anything hinting at any social message in this video or any videos i've seen of this game. It looks boring but that's it.
I am starting to think everything EA touches turn to a turd.
I wish better to see new Unreal Tournament or Hexen,Heretic. This looks like waste of time.
^^ I agree, however UT4 isn't coming any time soon and you have Fortnite to thank for that. Epic is rolling in tween's parents dough and UT4 is pretty much a community driven project at this point = its not going anywhere past where it is now and if it does, it won't be for a lonnnng time. As for Anthem, like most games these days on release, based on this video, it would appear that its setup to be underwhelming. After some time and further development, the bones seem compelling enough to make it cool, but it seems pretty basic and although the environments and graphics do look good, they need to make sure there is a game there to back those things up. I'll reserve my judgement for now, knowing that the style these days is to overpromise and underdeliver and then deliver .. later. if at all.
Looks too over-the-top in action and style, so not my type of game. But nice graphics and atmosphere. Maybe the final nail in the coffin is EA (evil assholes).
Meh, boring.
For all the oversaturated visuals, this looks incredibly bland. I'll stick to Resi2, Metro (when it comes out) and eventually Sekiro. I also have a bit of a backlog of games that I want to finish (like Nioh and ELEX). EA can (yet again) go blow itself.

^^ I agree, however UT4 isn't coming any time soon and you have Fortnite to thank for that. Epic is rolling in tween's parents dough and UT4 is pretty much a community driven project at this point = its not going anywhere past where it is now and if it does, it won't be for a lonnnng time. I played UT 4 beta before month. What can i say it's not the quality like 2k4.
[youtube=g5lam_u7vUY] Game is already dead. It does not have any endgame at all. Just better gear on and on with higher difficulty of PVE.
Wow ! played for 10 mins , not my cup of tea.