AMD would release a Ryzen 5 5600 priced at a formidable $220

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The chip should cost 200$ period. Still, its a same as 3600x and if its really fast or faster than intels best just like 3600 it will become best selling cpu.
Looks like my cpu? 🙂
Given to $70 premium the 5600X demands I wonder if the 5600 will follow the 3600 perf in relation to 3600 vs 3600X. Perhaps AMD will lock performance down for product segmentation purposes, or more likely prices on the 5600X will drop to $250. Early adopters getting the shaft, perhaps, either way it's cynical from AMD, almost Nvidia-like behaviour, but hey, it's profitable so...yeah.

Given to $70 premium the 5600X demands I wonder if the 5600 will follow the 3600 perf in relation to 3600 vs 3600X. Perhaps AMD will lock performance down for product segmentation purposes, or more likely prices on the 5600X will drop to $250. Early adopters getting the shaft, perhaps, either way it's cynical from AMD, almost Nvidia-like behavior, but hey, it's profitable so...yeah.
It is wise to wait till February march imo. ( if you dont have high pressure and current rig manages cyberpunk 😀 ).
Surely it's a good idea to wait a little bit, until the prices will settle down.

Surely it's a good idea to wait a little bit, until the prices will settle down.
Well yes unless you are in a hurry and you need a pc now. Early adopters always pay more.
220$ would make this a strong sales leader. Hope they have enough stock to go around.

Well yes unless you are in a hurry and you need a pc now. Early adopters always pay more.
That's true. I'm patient though...and the 3800X seems to be more than enough at the moment.

That's true. I'm patient though...and the 3800X seems to be more than enough at the moment.
Yeah im with 2700x 4.3ghz still very capable but that 5800/5900x looks sweet.

Yeah im with 2700x 4.3ghz still very capable but that 5800/5900x looks sweet.
Just sold the 2700X a couple of months ago myself, that cpu did a great job, that's for sure. You are are right about the upgrade seems like a good idea...would get the 5800X, but only next year if I can catch a good deal.
It's kinda obvious. AMD is going to have ZEN3 in every CPU segment (even quadcore) someday.

The chip should cost 200$ period.
Why? If the reason is "because that's what the 3600 prices were", well, the 3600 wasn't as competitive. If the reason is "because it's asking too much" then why stop there? Why not $100? Remember - prices are based on market value. If the market disagrees, it isn't valued properly and it won't sell well. That's why Nvidia got burned on the RTX 2000 series. I'm sure at $220, it will still be a best-seller.

Given to $70 premium the 5600X demands I wonder if the 5600 will follow the 3600 perf in relation to 3600 vs 3600X. Perhaps AMD will lock performance down for product segmentation purposes, or more likely prices on the 5600X will drop to $250. Early adopters getting the shaft, perhaps, either way it's cynical from AMD, almost Nvidia-like behaviour, but hey, it's profitable so...yeah.
Where are you getting $70 from? It's $50 higher. Nothing suggests they'll lock the performance; they don't need to. Ryzens have been pretty bad at overclocking regardless of which model you get, so putting an artificial cap is pointless.

It's kinda obvious. AMD is going to have ZEN3 in every CPU segment (even quadcore) someday.
The quad cores will likely be APUs and laptop models. Then Zen2 quad cores seemed like a last-minute idea. I'm not sure there is much of a market for a quad core without integrated graphics anymore.

It's kinda obvious. AMD is going to have ZEN3 in every CPU segment (even quadcore) someday.
That quad core might mi actually quite interesting deal , as it seems right now 4c/8t will last for quite long . even paired with RTX 3080 has very good results 🙂
Now that´s more like it. Now if they release a 5700 for around 320€ things would be interesting...

Just sold the 2700X a couple of months ago myself, that cpu did a great job, that's for sure. You are are right about the upgrade seems like a good idea...would get the 5800X, but only next year if I can catch a good deal.
I'm on Ryzen 2700 and I find it quite capable... but that's in my laptop (PH517-61). Its a desktop replacement unit with a desktop CPU (removable) on B450 mobo... however, Acer is primarily bad when it comes to releasing BIOS updates for its laptops... otherwise, given the monster cooling I have in this thing, I think it could handle a 105W CPU like 5800x or 5900x (or potential non-X variants that are 65W TDP) because right now, temps on my 2700 don't exceed 73 degrees C when maxed out - and then thing is quiet. Either way, if I was in your shoes... I'd have kept 2700x until sometime next year (say May or June/July) and THEN get the 5xxx series... by which time, prices are bound to drop severely.
I wanted 199 but 220 i can swallow that ! I really see no point of the x model especially if you consider my 1600 non x does not need an update (for what i do and what games i play) even my 1060 6gb is still fine even on 1440 p although i am mix matching medium to high details somewhere between Christmas and Easter i plan for 5600 + 3060 or 3060ti !

Now that´s more like it. Now if they release a 5700 for around 320€ things would be interesting...
That would be my cpu of choice. I want an 8core this gen even if 5600 does seems like a good upgrade.

The chip should cost 200$ period. Still, its a same as 3600x and if its really fast or faster than intels best just like 3600 it will become best selling cpu.
If a $20 difference is causing anyone to decide not to buy something then sounds more like they shouldn't be upgrading plain and simple.

Where are you getting $70 from? It's $50 higher. Nothing suggests they'll lock the performance; they don't need to. Ryzens have been pretty bad at overclocking regardless of which model you get, so putting an artificial cap is pointless.
I believe he's talking about the difference between this rumored 5600 vs 5600x, $220 vs $300, $70 "premium"

That quad core might mi actually quite interesting deal , as it seems right now 4c/8t will last for quite long . even paired with RTX 3080 has very good results 🙂
Many games are already starting to stutter and cause issues with anything less then 6 cores, it'll just get worse. Not sure where this "last for quite long" comes from unless you're not talking about gaming, which the 3080 statement implies you
5600 at 199€ is looking very agro and good for the customers. 5700 at 329-349€ is also sweet IMhO. Rest of the pack is also looking fine -> looking at 5900X at "only" 549€ :P Let us hope AMD will not turn "Intel-InSIDE" to milk us dry 😉

If a $20 difference is causing anyone to decide not to buy something then sounds more like they shouldn't be upgrading plain and simple. I believe he's talking about the difference between this rumored 5600 vs 5600x, $220 vs $300, $70 "premium" Many games are already starting to stutter and cause issues with anything less then 6 cores, it'll just get worse. Not sure where this "last for quite long" comes from unless you're not talking about gaming, which the 3080 statement implies you
I watched videos with 3300x and rtx 3080 there wasn't any stutter, not that i would pair quad core with such powerful gpu, but just shows how far are we from then being obsolete. Maybe when next gen games will start popping, but im afraid they will just push gpu side again Kinda sad, but quad core for gaming is all you need if you don't max fps. Here 3300x vs 3900. Almost no difference [youtube=P-uB5NvqRkY]