AMD Radeon Software Adrenalin 22.3.1 WHQL driver download

Graphics cards - AMD Adrenaline (Windows 10/11) 468 Updated by Hilbert Hagedoorn

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Free Sync is broken with this driver even RSR is disabled. (Win 11 , 6800 XT here ) Edit: Found the culprit : "AMD external events utility" service needs to be active for Free Sync to run. It wasn't required mandatory for months before up until now.

Free Sync is broken with this driver even RSR is disabled. (Win 11 , 6800 XT here )
Can you elaborate on that? Did you clean install?

Can you elaborate on that? Did you clean install?
It is a clean install with uninstalling previous driver. Monitor is at 144Hz 2K. Refresh rate is stuck at 144Hz on all games (tried all full screen,full screen borderless and windows). Reverting to Feb driver fixes immediately. Edit: Fixed the issue with reenabling "Amd Extrenal events utility" service. It wasn't required up until now.

It is a clean install with uninstalling previous driver. Monitor is at 144Hz 2K. Refresh rate is stuck at 144Hz on all games (tried all full screen,full screen borderless and windows). Reverting to Feb driver fixes immediately.
Weird. Freesync is working fine for me on my Asus VG27A I wonder if a ddu would help but I kind of doubt it

God damn!!! Did someone with Vega Gpu tried cyberpunk with this driver, same crap?!
It's still broken.
i found bug when alt+tab Fps in game stuck at 62fps about 10 seconde then back to normal i lock my games at 100fps .
How freaking long does it take to fix that goddamn bug?

It's still broken.
Thanks mate, for the feedback! 😉 So, no RSR and no cyberpunk fix for Vega users, crapping Amd!!! 🙁

I still get this issue, my taskbar has no Acrylic effect. Already tried restarting too.
Double check the set theme has this on or select a new theme in windows settings as I have had sometimes seen where windows theme disables it or becomes corrupted. Worth just a check at least to make sure. If it's still happening report it in the bug reporting tool.
22.3.1 is now the recommended driver for older cards too. Given that only a handful of drivers per year reach that status, the amount of users still hanging on Polaris (or Vega) cards under current market and the expressive sales of 2077, not fixing it before tagging a new recommend driver (which will prompt an update for 21.10.2 users) is disappointing. /rant off
Only 5 month and AMD pushed new WHQL driver. War Thunder benchmark map War in the pacific (day): Adrenaline 21.2.3 beta - 67.3 fps overall 15572 Adrenaline 22.3.1 WHQL - 68.9 fps (+2.35 %) overall 15954 (+ 2.35 %)
Damn, still no fix for high memory cloks in 5700XT with monitor 3440x1440 100hz 🙁
Enabling RSR appears to be a Faustian deal. Nearly every feature set of the Radeon driver stack becomes disabled, like chill, (FRP), lag reduction, etc. FRP is probably going to be a deal breaker for many. The result is you get a rescaled experience with high input lag, high frame-time latencies at strange times, overall increased frame time latencies, and the game GUI looks like morphological smeared ass. Did not expect anything less from AMD's award-winning outsourced driver team. Edit: I tested with Fallout 4, Skyrim SE, CP2077, Witcher 3, and Elite Dangerous. The results I described seem consistently -bad, across the board.
I see no reason Polaris and Vega re not supported with RSR. There is a good chance they will get it later on just like RIS when it was released.
RSR doesn't work on my syetem i tired everything Fullscreen windows boredless ect.... AMD wizard say to check if RSR work green mark appeared i have not successful make this green mark appeared .

Enabling RSR appears to be a Faustian deal. Nearly every feature set of the Radeon driver stack becomes disabled, like chill, (FRP), lag reduction, etc. FRP is probably going to be a deal breaker for many. The result is you get a rescaled experience with high input lag, high frame-time latencies at strange times, overall increased frame time latencies, and the game GUI looks like morphological smeared ass. Did not expect anything less from AMD's award-winning outsourced driver team. Edit: I tested with Fallout 4, Skyrim SE, CP2077, Witcher 3, and Elite Dangerous. The results I described seem consistently -bad, across the board.
Assuming it even works. All these features are adding a TON of complexity. You damn well know all these permutations aren't being tested. There's already enough edge cases where certain options don't work with other options or specific games with specific options. It's a complete mess that's only going to get worse over time.
RSR works for me, in Destiny 2, but I don't know if I'll keep it...
this driver is very Bad and RSR is useless i have no word to described to AMD driver team .
I wonder what the reason was for AMD withholding RSR from mobile Radeon users? I have the Asus G513QY with RX 6800m and I have used DDU and installed the driver twice with no RSR to speak of. Strange

I wonder what the reason was for AMD withholding RSR from mobile Radeon users? I have the Asus G513QY with RX 6800m and I have used DDU and installed the driver twice with no RSR to speak of. Strange
Nvidia also has no NIS support for mobile gpus. It has something to do with switchable graphics.