EPIC: new season of Fortnite not playable on Apple devices

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The latest season of the popular battle royal game Fortnite begins on Thursday, but will not be playable on Apple devices. That confirms developer Epic Games on Twitter.

Epic writes that Apple has prevented the ability to update Fortnite in the App Store. "As a result, Season 4 will not be released on Apple devices on August 27."

This makes it only possible for people who play Fortnite on an iPhone, iPad or Mac to continue to use an older version of Fortnite . Also, these people can only play against other Apple users. Cross-play is disappearing for Fortnite on Apple devices, The Verge writes . Previously, it was possible for Apple users to play Fortnite against people on, for example, PC or PlayStation 4. Players on the PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PC and Android phones will participate in the new season. This includes updates on the island where the game takes place. Players can also unlock new rewards.

Apple and Epic are at odds
The fact that the new season does not appear on Apple platforms is the latest step in the battle between Apple and Epic. It started when Epic built its own payment system in the app, with which the company circumvented the payment of commission in the App Store. That was against Apple's rules. Epic has now taken Apple to court. That determined that Apple may ban Fortnite from the App Store. However, Apple is not allowed to block Epic's developer accounts, which the company previously intended.

Apple has said that Fortnite will be welcome back to the App Store if Epic follows the rules. Epic does not intend to. "Their proposal will maintain their monopoly," the company writes. "With in-app payments that are mandatory via Apple, they suppress competition and keep prices high. On principle, we do not participate."

EPIC: new season of Fortnite not playable on Apple devices

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