Archive for Feburary 2007

NVIDIA Demo - Cascades (GeForce 8800)

Benchmarks & Demo's 179 Updated by Hilbert Hagedoorn 0

Explore a fantastic new world of endless rock formations and exhilirating detail. Watch majestic waterfalls cascade down the rock, while buzzing swarms of dragonfly-like inhabitants dive and play. Zoom in close to examine the vibrant surface detail, or move the camera up or down to explore the rocks infinite outcroppings, cliffs, and caves.

GeForce 8800 GTS 320 MB XFX XXX & BFG OC

Graphics cards 1049 Published by Hilbert Hagedoorn 0

Today we'll be looking at two brands of the GeForce 8800 GTS 320Mb; obviously compare it to the default clocked 640 Mb model, see at what resolution the framebuffer limitation kicks in, and have a look what default faster clocks actually are doing in terms of performance over that 640 Mb model. Therefore we took BFG's GeForce 8800 GTX 320 Mb card, the OC model and we snagged the "XXX" edition of this card from XFX and have a look how well they perform in games with the industry standard setting in AA and AF. This should be an interesting read .. oh and hey, we snagged two cards from BFG so we'll seat them in a SLI compatible mainboard and look at a little SLI action as well.